{ Levi's pov: }

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*Year 840*
*Location: Underground City*

It's just a normal day as usual, Farlan and I steal from the military with some help from the teens around the area. Ever since we got the 3DMG gear from the military, it has been easy for us to do this thing.

We sell what we got from them and share the money with the teens. I sit down around the table as I was cleaning my teacups, watching Farlan as he closes the door.

'Heard of any news on when the merchants will arrive?' I asked Farlan.

'I heard that it will be around evening. Ready for another one?' Farlan responded.

'Really? Do you even need to ask that? I'm just doing this so I could get money to live up there.'

'Yeah, I know, I know. How much do we need to save to get there?' Farlan said as he let out a sigh and slouch on the cushion.

I don't answer him as I keep cleaning my stuffs. And the time comes for us to do our job again. Farlan and I will do the initiative while the teens who will assist us will do the distractions.

Things will go well just like we always do or so I thought. The 3DMG which I'm using starts to show errors as I try to swing through the buildings. The hooks don't go in the way I want to.

A great time to happen, genius! But it won't stop me from finishing this. I went on foot and run to where the goods are and let Farlan do the stealing. I groaned out as I heard yelling around me.

It's time you noticed us, brats! I pull out my pocket knife as I quickly swift towards the goods and cut of the ropes around it. Time to leave! I retreated back, not noticing the guy behind me who is about to stab me.

As I turn around, the guy who has his knife aim at me got knocked down by a (h/c) (h/l) girl around in her twenties. I got stunned as she knocked that guy down so easily.

'What are you doing staring at me? It's time to go!' The girl yelled as she grab my hand, taking me along with her. We both run and quickly turn a left and went into a narrow alley. I pant and try to get breathes through it.

'Did—- you— get— hurt?' The girl ask through her pants. I shook my head. 'Thank you for what you did back there. I got distracted.'

I take a careful look at the girl and noticed her features, she got (e/c) eyes and shorter than me. How did she knocked down that guy with her small body? She looks fragile.

'Hello, you ok?' The girl said as she snap her fingers in front of me. 'Levi, Levi Ackerman.' I greeted as I give out my hand to a handshake.

'Oh, I already know your name. I'm (y/n) Lorenz. Just call me (y/n).' She said and shake my hands with joy.

'Then, I'm going to head back to my friend. Nice meeting you, (y/n).'

'Wait...' (y/n) paused. 'Umm.. do you still have any available places for me in your jobs? It's just I don't have anything to do and I'm kind of broke, you know.'

'Why do you want to do this? Need money for medicine? For food?'

'Well, I need money for food but mostly to live up there.' (y/n) pointed above as she told me.

I try to think for a moment. 'Follow me.' I said her and went back to our house. I knock on the door and Farlan open the door for us.

'Levi, where—- Oh, you're the girl who help Levi.' Farlan said as he noticed me behind Levi.

'Nice to meet you, sir. My name is (y/n) Lorenz. I hope I'll be working under you in the future.'

'Work? Oh Levi, new helpers I see. Come in.' Farlan warmly greeted her.

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