8. Feelings

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Shikamaru continued staring at the clouds before him, trying to take his mind off the silence. He could feel Choji's eyes on him. Should've just kept my mouth shut-

Shikamaru's thought was interrupted by the sound of munching coming from his side. He turned his head towards the noise, finding Choji eating his chips, now sitting closer to him.

Choji leaned over and placed an arm around Shikamaru's shoulder. He patted it before removing his arm as he offered Shikamaru the last chip, a smile resting on his face.

Shikamaru briefly stared at the chip, before returning the smile and taking it.

The boys sat there for a while, just eating snacks and enjoying the view.

There wasn't much that needed to be verbally said, everything Shikamaru needed to hear was told by the simple gesture. Choji doesn't just give away the last chip of a bag, it's something reserved for the Akimichi. It's what made the offer special. Not that Shikamaru ever thought Choji would up and leave him because of this new information, he would never do that. But it is a sign of support that Shikamaru hadn't realized he needed.

"So, Naruto huh? I would've never guessed." Choji broke the silence, turning away from the view to look at Shikamaru.

"Me either." He sighed, "He's just got this thing about him that..I'm not sure..draws you to him?" Shikamaru gestured with his hands, trying to make sense of it all.

"What are you planning on doing?" Choji questioned, swinging his legs as he leaned back, supporting himself with his hands.

"At first I thought I'd just forget all about it, like maybe it'd just be a brief fleeting interest. But now I can't get him off my mind." Shikamaru groaned, he felt like he was apart of some cheesy romance film, and he hated it. He rubbed his face with his hands, becoming frustrated.

Choji stayed silent for a bit, tilting his head back as he looked at the sky. He turned back to Shikamaru before asking, "How do you think Naruto feels?"

"I highly doubt he sees me as anything but a friend."

"Well you never know! Maybe he's secretly in love with you too!" Choji grinned, giving Shikamaru a thumbs up.

"It's not 'love' Choji. I just enjoy his company." Shikamaru sighed, he wasn't sure what it was that he was feeling. Maybe it was just some weird misread emotion.

"Maybe, maybe not. Wouldn't you want to find out though?"

"I'm not sure. I feel like..it'll cause too much trouble. The last thing I want to do is be a bother for someone else just because of some dumb feelings."

Shikamaru sighed, shaking his head as he thought of what problems could arise from his feelings being revealed.

"Shika if you keep worrying about what'll happen in the future, you'll never get to do the things you want to do now. You could end up regretting so much, and I don't want that for you. If you're happy then who cares what else happens, you don't have to deal with things alone. That's what I'm here for." Choji gently patted Shikamaru's shoulder, sending him a soft smile.

Shikamaru relaxed a bit, "Yeah, you're right."

"Wait, have you been in contact with him?" Choji questioned, remembering Shikamaru had asked him the same before.

"Well, kind of. He sent me a letter, and I responded this morning."

"Ah, so that's why you were at the post office. I thought you'd just gave in and sent Temari something. What did he say?"

"He was asking if I'd be interested in hanging out with him once he got back." Shikamaru shrugged, "At least I'm pretty sure he said that, his handwriting's shit."

Choji laughed, "Well at least you'll be able to know for sure that it was from Naruto by the distinct style."

Shikamaru's facial expression softened as he smiled, imagining Naruto sitting somewhere scribbling away on the paper, orange envelope set next to him. He took time out of his day to write to me.

Choji watched Shikamaru from the corner of his eye, turning away as he smiled to himself. He was glad his friend had found someone who made him happy. I'll try to help you in any way I can Shika! You can do it, don't give up! As Choji thought and prayed for his friend's luck in love, he laid himself back, now staring straight at the fluffy clouds above him.

Shikamaru laid back as well, giving up on getting rid of the grin that had appeared on his face.

The two boys stayed that way for a while, staring at the clouds above them, each in their own little world. After who knows how long, Shikamaru sat up, stretching as he yawned. Choji followed Shikamaru's lead, getting up as he rubbed his eyes trying to rid them of his sleepiness. Shikamaru sat on the platform, staring off into space as he felt himself become more and more tired by the second.

"Are you alright Shikamaru?" Choji yawned, wiping away the newly formed tears. 

"Mm." Shikamaru hummed, forcing himself up, stretching once more.

"I'm gonna head home, I'm exhausted."

Choji nodded, picking up the bag they had brought along, slinging it over his shoulder. "I'll head home too, lunch's probably ready by now."

The two boys said their goodbyes as they parted ways. Shikamaru placed his hands in his pockets as he walked home, taking this time alone to think about what he was truly feeling for Naruto.

He's annoying, loud, and an idiot. But, he's also funny, compassionate, brave, and at times pretty kind. When I'm with him I get exhausted, but I don't want our time together to end. Shikamaru stopped walking as he loudly groaned, lowering his head. This is all so complicated.

"What an ugly sound you just made."

Shikamaru kept his head down, but closed his eyes, silently cursing at the voice.

He rose his head, straightening himself out as his everyday expression returned to his face—a hint of annoyance added in.

"Hey Temari." 

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