11. Just Friends

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Sakura offered Naruto a sympathetic smile, removing her hand from his shoulder. 

"What makes you say that?" 

Naruto turned to face her, eyes focused on the bench below them. 

He failed to control the wavering of his voice as he spoke, "My feelings'll only trouble the other person, I don't want to ruin our friendship. Plus, there's a much more suitable partner out there for them. Someone strong, smart, and good looking. Really..I just want them to be happy, but, it hurts..when I'm not the one making them feel that way."

Naruto brought his gaze up to meet Sakura's eyes, voice barely above a whisper, he continued, "What should I do?"

Sakura took hold of Naruto's hand, her face becoming stern as they locked eyes. 

"I think.." She paused, gathering her thoughts. "I think you should wait until you're completely ready, and confident with your feelings before you act on them. Since there's a friendship that you're afraid of losing on the line, it's even more important that you really reflect on everything you've been feeling and make sure it's all as it seems. In my eyes you're amazing, and more than suitable for anybody who comes along, whether they deserve you or not. But, until you can see that, I don't think you'll be fully happy and confident with any decisions you choose to make." 

Naruto looked down once more, nodding as he took a deep breath. 

"Yeah, you're right." He took his hand out of Sakura's grasp, using it to push himself off the bench.

Sakura turned as she followed him with her eyes. 

Now standing before her, Naruto was backlit by the setting sun, his features becoming lost to the darkness. As she shielded her eyes in an attempt to see him better she caught a glimpse of sadness overtake the boy's face before being replaced with a subtle smile. 

"I'll be heading home now, it's getting late. Thank you for the advice, Sakura."  He brought up a hand, waving goodbye as he turned and took the long way home.

As Sakura watched him walk away, she felt a heavy weight in her chest. She knew she had said what she felt was right, but she couldn't help but be overwhelmed with pity for her friend as he attempted to overcome this "issue" himself. He was hurting, but she had given the best advice she could, now all she could offer was her support. 

Naruto's steps seemed to echo as he made his way home. His mind was full of questions and conclusions, yet he felt so empty at the same time. He just couldn't focus on anything other than his footsteps. 

The desolate streets of Konoha were illuminated by the lamps lining the roads, Naruto never noticed how pleasant this setting could be. The silence was comforting in a way, nothing nor no one could hurt or bother him in times like these. He deeply exhaled, watching his breath appear before him in the cold air. 

He continued making his way through the village, hesitating as he noticed a familiar compound coming into view. Wary, he slowed his pace. 

Wait, why am I slowing down? Just be normal, act casual.

As he neared the compound, he began to hear voices coming from somewhere near the front entrance.

Naruto scratched the back of his neck, lowering his head as he peeked over at the sound while passing by.

"Thank you for taking me around the village today Shika. I had a really nice time." 

Temari held the bouquet close to her chest as she stood in front of Shikamaru, smile practically glued to her face.

Shikamaru sighed, trying his best not to scowl as he looked at his mother from the corner of his eye. She was standing a bit away near their front door, grinning at the two. 

"Sure." He turned his gaze over to the front entrance, noticing a familiar face sneaking by. 

"So, if you're free, I was wondering if we could do this again tomorrow." Temari reached over to place her hand on Shikamaru's forearm. 

He turned his head back in her direction, moving his arm away before she had a chance to grab it. He furrowed his brows, Don't touch me.  

"Sorry, I'm not free. I promised Naruto over there I'd hang out with him." He pointed over at Naruto's now still figure. "I'll be going now. You should too, it's getting late." 

He turned away from the two women, briskly making his way over to a confused looking Naruto. 

"C'mon, let's go." Shikamaru whispered, wrapping an arm around Naruto as he lead them away.

After they had gotten far enough away from the compound, Shikamaru removed his arm, much to Naruto's dismay. 

Naruto's expression fell, he slowed his pace as he stared down at the ground ahead of him.

Don't be upset. This is normal behavior, we're just friends. Remember, just friends.

Naruto snapped out of his trance. Feeling a hand resting on his shoulder, he stopped walking as he turned his head to the side, now face to face with Shikamaru. 

"Welcome back, Naruto." Shikamaru smiled, finally able to celebrate his friend's return.

Naruto stared at Shikamaru's smiling face for a few seconds before grinning. He let out a content sigh, turning his whole body to face Shikamaru, he placed both hands on the other's shoulders. 

I wish I didn't like you the way I do. 

"Thank you Shikamaru."

He began shaking Shikamaru back and forth, preparing himself for the annoyance to appear on the Nara's face. 

Instead, all that was present before him was a laughing Shikamaru. It was a sight he wanted to hold onto for the rest of his life. 

Naruto let go of Shikamaru, placing his hands behind his head as he smiled. He remained that way for a bit, just watching Shikamaru's face slowly transition from laughter to a soft smile.

Shikamaru wasn't one to laugh much, especially at something so annoying like being shaken. Perhaps it was the long period of time between their last meeting, but, for some reason, Shikamaru was over the moon. 

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