10. Return

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"Naruto, slow down!" Sakura yelled after the yellow blob whizzing past her.

"It's the home stretch! There's no time to waste!" Naruto laughed, continuing to hop from tree to tree, steadily increasing his pace. His smile grew as the tall walls surrounding Konoha came into view. 

Freedom from that boring mission at last! He thought as he bolted through the gates, into the village. He cackled as he made his way to the Hokage's office, receiving odd looks from the villagers as he passed by. 

Tsunade was sitting at her desk, slaving away, trying to get through all the stacks of paperwork surrounding her. She rose her head as she heard a distant rumbling, it was becoming louder and louder by the second. He's returned. She smiled, glad Naruto had made it home safely. 

"BAACHAN I'M BAAAAAAACK!" Naruto yelled, bursting into Tsunade's office before freezing.

Tsunade gave Naruto a deadly glare, slowly rising from her chair before making her way to him.

 "Don't you know how to knock? You little gREMLIN!" She rose a fist causing Naruto to back away, a terrified smile placed on his lips, uttering apologies as he left the room.  

"I guess it's true that you get grouchier the older you get." Naruto mumbled, walking down the stairs, his mood beginning to lift with each step. 

Who cares about that old hag! I'm free! Naruto grinned, placing his hands on his hips as he thought of all the things he could do now that he was back. Oh! That's right, I get to hang out with Shikamaru now! Naruto quickly nodded to himself, before setting off to find the Nara. 

"Have a nice one Shikamaru!" Ino winked over at him, handing him the bouquet, as she looked between he and Temari.

Shikamaru hummed in response, taking the flowers before leaving the shop. 

"You didn't have to tag along ya know." He sighed, annoyed at the company.

"Shika don't be so shy! I enjoy spending time with you." She smiled, inching a bit closer to him.

 As Shikamaru stepped away from her, he noticed a note nestled among the flowers. 

For Temari ♥

Shikamaru groaned, furrowing his brows in frustration. As he was about to excuse himself from their little "outing," he felt a heavy weight upon him. Looking to the side he found Naruto now standing in between he and Temari, an arm over his shoulder.

"Shikamaru! I was looking for you!" Naruto yelled, bringing the other closer to him, eyes practically shut from how wide his grin had become. "Hey, wanna go cloud gazing with...me.." He trailed off, seeing the note displayed on the flowers. 

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, looking over Naruto's face as his expression changed. 

"Ah, sorry." Naruto ducked his head, his hair now covering his eyes as a shaky smile appeared on his lips. "Didn't mean to interrupt you two!" He raised his head, his usual grin plastered on his face. "See ya later Shikamaru!" 

Naruto turned, running off in the direction he had just come from. 

Shikamaru furrowed his eyebrows once more, this time in confusion as he watched the blonde's figure slowly disappear into the distance. 

"Sorry Temari but I have to go check on something-" Shikamaru was interrupted as Temari yanked the flowers from his grasp. 

"Aw Shika you shouldn't have! I love them!" She brought the flowers up to her nose as she smelled them, smiling at their scent. She looked up at him before saying, "Now, you're MY escort until I go back to the Sand, so let's go." She tugged him by the arm, leading him in the opposite direction of Naruto. 

Shikamaru looked over his shoulder as she dragged him along, bugged by how things had played out. 

Naruto slowed to a stop as he leaned over, placing his hands on his knees. He stood there for a bit, taking a second to catch his breath.

Phew! I think I got out of there quick enough, fingers crossed I didn't mess up Shikamaru's date! I hope it goes well for him.. He straightened himself out, keeping his gaze on the ground beneath him. He stayed that way for a while, staring down at the dirt as he spaced out.

He scoffed, lifting his head as he placed a hand on his face covering his eyes, the other now resting on his hip. He began to softly chuckle, thinking to himself, I say that, but why don't I mean it. 


Naruto turned, smiling as he saw Sakura standing before him. He stared at her for a while, causing the girl to give him a questioning look. 

"Hello..?" She looked around, getting a bit creeped out by his stare. 

"Oh sorry, Sakura-chan. Uh, you've had crushes before right?" He asked, motioning her over to a bench as he walked over himself. 

She nodded, taking a seat, confused by his serious tone.

"What did it feel like?" He turned to her, tilting his head.

"Mm, well. You enjoy being around the person, any free time you have you want to spend with them. Any person speaking to them is a threat and you'd crush them if they got even a single  inch closer to the person you're interested in. They could be anyone and you'd just slowly start by leading them into a secluded area and then just squeeze them until they BREAK. Ya know like something along those lines." She looked back at him, slowly nodding. 

"Uh, yeah, yeah I get that. I think."  Naruto turned away, staring straight ahead as he tried figuring things out on his own. 

Sakura watched him, concerned, she placed a hand on his shoulder while leaning over a bit to get his attention. "Why do you ask? Do you have feelings for someone?"

Naruto continued staring ahead, mindlessly playing with his hands as he thought. He slightly chewed on his bottom lip before opening his mouth to reply.

"Yeah, I think I do." He confessed, before adding, "But it won't work out." 

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