14. Following the Flow

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Shikamaru sighed, pushing himself off the ground.

Naruto followed him with his eyes, questioning look present on his face.

"Where are you going?" He asked, starting to get up himself.

Shikamaru put up a hand, silently telling the other to stay put.

"I'm going to go tell Temari how I feel before she leaves. Stay here, I'll be back soon." He smiled down at him, before turning and making his way down the hill.

Naruto watched as he walked away. Although he knew Shikamaru wouldn't return Temari's feelings, he couldn't help but feel worried as his figure disappeared into the distance.

Shikamaru made his way through the village, running the situation to come through his mind. As he passed by his home, he paused.

I should give her back her letters, I don't need them.

He walked through the gates, opening his front door as he stepped inside. He kicked off his shoes, not bothering to place them neatly as he didn't plan to stay long.

"Shikamaru? Is that you?"

He walked over to the living room, following his mother's voice.

"Yeah, I just needed to pick something up.."

He trailed off as he noticed two other people in the room. His father was sitting by Yoshino, Temari occupying the single chair beside them.

"What's going on?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking from his mother to the others.

"You've come at just the right time! Take a seat we were just discussing the arrangement!" His mother beamed, clasping her hands together, placing them in her lap.

Shikamaru warily took a seat, now facing both his parents and Temari. He noted the slight distress present on his father's face as he opened his mouth to speak.

"What arrangement?" He slowly questioned, mind racing.

"Your marriage arrangement of course!" Yoshino said, looking at Shikamaru as if he were an idiot.

Shikamaru was silent, letting the information sink in before replying, "Uh, what."

Temari grinned, as Yoshino continued. "We've been speaking of this for a while now. It seems like a good option. You will have a wife and will be able to produce an heir for our clan."

Shikamaru was dumbstruck. He turned his attention to his father, questioning him with his gaze.

Shikaku cleared his throat before speaking, "Your mother has been listing all the pros that may come from this Shikamaru. And we know how troublesome you find dating to be, thus she decided it'd be best if we find someone for you."

"Yes!" Yoshino spoke up. "And who more suitable than Temari, she's beautiful, intelligent, and strong! She's the perfect match for you. Shikamaru, don't think we are doing this to trouble you, it's the exact opposite. We are trying to make things easier for you."

Shikamaru stared at them, expressionless.

Well, they are right aren't they? I've never been one to initiate things with anyone, normally just going with the flow. It's the easiest option, plus Temari's not bad. As they said, she's pretty, smart and strong. Someone capable of joining the clan and producing a great heir. But..what about Naruto? No, no, he has his own heir to think about, this was all just a stupid little crush anyway.

He deeply exhaled through his nose, "Alright. Thank you for your help, we will go through with the marriage."

Yoshino was taken aback by how quickly Shikamaru seemed to accept the idea, nonetheless however, she was ecstatic.

Shikaku, on the other hand, was concerned. He had noticed a change in his son's behavior these past few days, it was subtle but it was there. He kept silent though, knowing this wasn't the time nor place to speak up. He would try to speak with him one on one, later.

"Oh Shikamaru, this is great news! We'll start getting things ready as soon as possible!" Yoshino paused, placing her finger on her chin as she continued, "It might take a bit though, as Temari will be leaving back to the Sand today."

Temari nodded, looking over at Yoshino.

"Sounds fine. Have a safe journey home Temari. Now, if you'll excuse me." Shikamaru began to stand up, he felt an odd sense of emptiness.

"Shikamaru! Walk Temari to the front gates, she needs help carrying her bags." Yoshino was ready to argue with her son, expecting him to protest.

"Okay." Shikamaru muttered, he walked over to Temari's seat, picking up the suitcases near her. "Are you ready to go?" He looked down at her, his everyday expression back on his face.

Temari stared up at him, a soft blush forming on her cheeks. "Ah, yes."

She stood up, bowing slightly as she said a quick goodbye to Yoshino and Shikaku.

Shikamaru had already walked to the front door by this point, putting his shoes on slowly as he began to get lost in his thoughts.

Temari stepped next to him, putting her shoes on as well, watching him from the corner of her eyes.

Shikamaru shook his head as he began to get too deep into his thoughts. He paused with his hand on the door as he waited for Temari to finish.

She placed her hands behind her back as she stood up straight, giving Shikamaru a soft smile, signaling she was ready.

The two walked out of the house, then made their way to the front gates.

It was a silent journey, Temari felt no need to speak as she had already accomplished what she needed to.

She was going to marry Shikamaru.

Shikamaru once again began to get lost in his thoughts.

This is for the best. She'll make a fine wife. I'll live a simple life and so will Naruto. It's better that I forget these feelings, and leave Naruto be. It was just a dumb little crush anyway. Who really knows if it was a crush, I probably just misread things.

Although rationalizing this in his head, Shikamaru couldn't help but feel a deep discomfort within him. He was hit with extreme exhaustion, paired with a sadness he hadn't yet noticed—or perhaps he had noticed, yet didn't want to confront.

Before he knew it, however, they had arrived at the gates.

"Thank you for carrying my bags Shika." Temari played with her fingers as she felt her nerves begin to act up.

"No problem." Shikamaru put on a genuine looking smile. If we're going to be married I might as well push up a kinder act.

"Well, have a safe journey Temari." He placed her suitcases near her feet, stepping away once done.

"Thank you again Shika, be well." Temari tucked a stray hair behind her ear, she spoke softly, surprising Shikamaru.

"You too." Shikamaru nodded at her, before turning and heading back the way he came. All he wanted to do was get in bed and forget this was all happening.

As he dragged his feet across the streets, his mind had completely blanked. He was too tired to form any thoughts.

Thus, leaving a lonely blonde atop a hill, wondering when the one he now held so dear would return.

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