1)) a full homo

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Okay, I'm calling him Em because he doesn't have a new name yet but I'm using he/him pronouns because he's a boy and he knows that (note: boys/men/male identifying people do not have to use he/him pronouns, some do not and not everyone who uses he/him pronouns is male).

Also he has long hair (like just past shoulder length) until I say otherwise

Other than that I don't think there are any trigger warnings for this chapter.


Dinner was just ending in the Great Hall and everyone was starting to make their way back to their common rooms. Em decided it was time to tell his boyfriend the truth.

He made eye contact with Lily and nodded. Lily gave him a thumbs-up and mouthed "good luck". James and Sirius gave them questioning looks while Peter wasn't really paying attention to anything and was just kinda staring at his plate and seemed to not be at all aware of his surroundings.

James then stood up and nudged Peter, trying to get his attention. When he finally did Peter stood up and he and James made their way towards the door with Lily and Alice following behind them. Sirius stood up and began to make his way towards the door then Em spoke.

"Sirius can we talk?"

"What is it Em?" Sirius replied.

"Can we go somewhere private?"

"Okay...." Sirius paused for a couple of seconds then said "Astronomy tower?"

"Sure," Em replied, trying not to let his fear become evident to his boyfriend.

They left the Great Hall and walked towards the Astronomy tower in silence, both stealing nervous glances at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking.

They finally arrived at the top of the Astronomy tower and sat on one of the little ledges that acted as windows in the tower. The night sky was dark but covered thousands of tiny twinkling lights, haphazardly sprinkled like glitter on the blueish-black paper that is the sky once the sun has gone down, thousands of light years away, the light traveling so many years just to stop on the back of these teenagers' retinas. There was no moon in the sky, meaning that the grounds that only a couple of weeks earlier had been flooded with silvery light were shrouded in black. Em ran his right hand up and down the stone wall as if that would make this any easier. He was sure that Sirius would break up with him once he found out that he didn't have the girlfriend that he thought he had. But then again Sirius hadn't stopped being Em's friend when he found out that Em was a werewolf so how different could coming out as trans go?

After a while Sirius broke the silence. "So, Em, what is it you want to tell me?"

Em took a deep breath then said "Sirius, I'm transgender. I'm a transgender boy."

There was a pause. You could hear sounds from the Hogwarts castle and grounds. Students chatting in the corridors on their way back to their common rooms or the library, owls hooting, if you tried hard enough you could even hear the centaurs and unicorns in the forbidden forest, but most obvious to Em were his and Sirius' breathing. Inhales and exhales. The loudest sound in his ears. Overpowering every other sound coming from Hogwarts. After a few seconds that felt more like eternities Em spoke again.

"Do you know what that means?" Em continued to look into the abyss that was the night sky as he spoke. His eyes found the dog star. The star his boyfriend was named after. His favourite star in the sky. He hoped he wouldn't have to pick a new favourite.

I'm not her anymore // trans remus au // wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now