2)) toasty torpidity

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TW: (unintentional) deadnaming and misgendering, mentions of the second worst type of bread (gender roles are the first)

The clock on the wall, hands turning endless circles, round and round and round, ticking being the only sound filling the dark room aside from the crackling of the fire. The faint glow from the fireplace illuminated the pair sitting on the sofa holding mugs of tea with a blanket laying across both of their shoulders. They had been sat like that for a few minutes now, tea never really cooling, silence never really breaking. Not that they really needed to talk. They were both just waiting. Waiting for the time to pass until there was someone else in the common room and then the silence would be broken for them. Except that neither really wanted to wait because as soon as someone else entered the room the conversations they wanted to have had to stop. Eventually one of them spoke.

"So, about getting you a new name," her voice was soft, but it pierced the almost silence like a needle through swiss cheese.

"I don't have any ideas so unless you have some sort of baby name book," the other replied, his voice just as quiet, as though he didn't want to wake the flickering fire from its toasty torpidity.

"That is exactly what I have."

"Really, and why do you have one of those, huh?" The second one moved his hair away from his eyes and tucked it behind his ear. "Are you planning on having children soon or something?"

"No!" The first one laughed, playing with one of her plaits. "I just got interested in name meanings a while ago and mum gave me this book that she used when she had my sister and me."

"Makes sense, so, should we start browsing boys names then?"

It was then that a third figure entered the room, the firelight catching his grey eyes and making them (sparkle? shine? idk).

"Hello ladies and gents, what are we doing here?" He moved towards the couch where the other two were sitting and added himself to the club of people who get up before 7am and sat in the common room not making much sound at all.

"Looking for a new name for Em," the first one replied, silently hoping that the new addition to their little early morning club wouldn't say what she thought he would say.

"With Lily's baby name book." Lily was sure that the second had cemented her fate now so she glared daggers at him, just waiting for the third one to speak.

"Wow Evans, aren't you a bit young to be starting a family? I didn't even know you and Jamesie were together," his tone was light and teasing but enough to annoy her into attacking him, even if it was only verbally. The second one, sitting between them, stole the blanket from the Lily's shoulder and wrapped himself in it completely, watching the small amount of chaos unfold, just as he did every day.

"We. Are. Not. Together." She spoke with a soft but vicious tone that both of the others were at least slightly scared of. "And the book is something that my mum gave to me a while ago because I was interested in the meanings of different names."

Sirius giggled before replying with a "Suuuu-."

Lily cut him off with an 'I wasn't finished so shut up' tone "Also Em, you son of a bitch, give me back my share of the blanket."

Sirius almost said something about wanting a share of the blanket too but stopped when he saw the girl still glaring at him.

The middle one finally spoke up again. "Can we please-" he trailed off, gesturing at the book that had been placed on the table.

"Sorry Em," Lily replied, curling her body into a tighter ball to conserve heat in the cold December morning.

"Sooooo, boys names, should we start at A or somewhere else in the alphabet?"

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