6)) blanket cocoon

966 41 38

TW: unaccepting people, transphobia, deadnaming, misgendering, swearing (not censored) and slurs (censored)

Buckle in bitches, this shit's getting angsty

He waited for the comment on his hair. Or any greeting at all. Instead his parents started walking away, towards the platform's exit, one of the many floo network fireplaces spread across the platform. He guessed that the criticism would come later, when they were at home and wouldn't be "making a scene" or "causing a fuss". Or maybe it was just so he couldn't run to stay with James as soon as one of them said something bad.

Once the three has safely arrived in the living room of the Lupin house, the questions and comments started. The halls of Hogwarts were bad but this was 10 times worse. Whether it was because it was his parents or because this house is the place he'd grown up in and he should feel safe here.

"What are you?" His father asked, "a damn f*g? "

"What have you done, Emily?" The look in his mother's eyes broke Remus a little inside. "Your beautiful long hair. I can't have my daughter looking like this, looking like a fucking d*ke!"

Remus bit his tongue to stop himself from outing himself immediately. He knew it wouldn't go well but wasn't sure he'd be able to stop himself at some other point. He just didn't know how soon that time would sneak up on him.

Instead of bothering to respond to their homophobia and idiocy, Remus grabbed his trunk and headed towards his room, the one closest to the cellar with a door that had more reinforcements than any regular cellar door would ever need. The werewolf room.

Remus climbed into his bed and covered himself with the duvet. Then he started to cry. At first just small tears, rolling down his cheeks but soon whole sobs racked his body, eyes red, breathing shaky, trying desperately to stay quiet because disturbing his parents would only make things worse.

~time skip~
~next morning~

Remus emerged from his blanket cocoon, face still showing signs of last night's mental breakdown. He wiped his face and left his room, walking to he kitchen to find both his parents at the table.

"You know what," he thought, "Fuck it, I'm not dealing with their homophobic shit all holidays, I may as well tell them now."

Still standing in the doorway, he said out loud, "I have something to tell you."

Both adults looked up from what they were doing (for his father, the crossword in a newspaper, his mother was spreading jam on a slice of toast) then his mother said something he really hoped she wouldn't.

"Are you a lesbian?"

Remus hurried a string of no's (around 9) before saying "I've got a boyfriend." Without thinking he continued, muttering the last part, "I'm gay, (actually more like bi but that's not relevant)."

"Wait, what?"

It was then that the impact of his own words hit him, he had just come out to his homophobic parents as gay, but not in the way that they thought "Oh, shit. um, I'm a gay guy, not a girl."

What followed was a series of denial, anger and shouting. Ranging from the tired old "gender is fixed and you were born a girl so you'll always be one" to just slurs. Remus was stuck, frozen to the spot in the kitchen doorway until his father got up from his seat. Suddenly his legs sprang to life and he ran. Out of he house and away into the vast surrounding countryside.

I can't believe that there's already over 3k reads on this. Over 3000 reads on some silly little story that I write when there's words in my head. You're all amazing and I'm sorry that it's always so long between chapters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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I'm not her anymore // trans remus au // wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now