4)) snip snip b*tch

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No warnings except for one swear word. The nice little fluffy calm before the incoming angst storm. Enjoy!


A couple of days (and one full moon) later and Peter still wasn't really talking to Remus other than the occasional "hello" and anything that was necessary in class. James was a little better but avoided using names or pronouns at all in the few conversations that the two had. Both would still talk to Sirius but neither would talk to Lily, though this wasn't new for James.

The Christmas holidays began the next day and Remus was going back to home, like James and Peter. Lily and Sirius were staying at school over the holidays.

Currently Remus was sitting on a desk in an empty classroom while Lily and Sirius stood behind him, scissors on the table.

"You sure this is a good idea? What if your parents get mad?"

"Lily, I don't care anymore, I've spent so long living as what they want while also being a monster to them. I'm done with their opinions on my life."

"Okay, if that's what you want." Sirius responded. "How do you want it cut?"

Remus twirled his shoulder length hair around his finger, he would miss that habit one his hair was gone, but other than that he was ready to have short hair.

"Like that sixth year girl, the one with the hair kinda like James' but slightly longer. That way it can be female enough to maybe convince my parents but male enough to not cause me as much dysphoria."

"Okay, yeah, we can do that." Sirius picked up the scissors.

"So how long is that? In length?" Lily asked, picking up her own pair of scissors.

"Just above her chin, but mine is wavier than hers so you might need to cut it a little longer." Remus shifted on the table, sitting in a position that would be more comfortable for the other two to cut his hair.

~short time skip brought to you by me not knowing how to make a good conversation~

~and also by the awesomeness of Madame Pomfrey~

Lily and Sirius were just finishing up. Lily was standing in front of Remus, cutting his fringe, while Sirius was behind him making the back as short as he could with scissors.

"I'm going to come out to my parents."

Sirius' scissors clattered on the desk behind Remus.

"What's wrong?"

"Just wasn't expecting that, that's all."

"Well then, snip snip bitch," Lily said, "we need to get this done before a teacher finds us or something."

~another time skip, this time brought to you by ✨procrastination✨ ~

Once the haircut was finished, Lily took a bag and swept the hair off the desks into it before putting it into the bin. None of the three had a mirror on them so they decided to just go back to the tower and look at it in the dormitory.


It's not much but there you go. I know the ending is quite sudden but I'm saving the angst for not this chapter because this is meant to be soft. The next chapter might also be short. There's a lot more angst coming.

I'm not her anymore // trans remus au // wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now