End Note

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Dear love,

Hello to you reading this! I know at some times someone would inspire us unintentionally and it's alright. Yes, it seems unfair that we can make poems, songs, etc. for someone and they can't seem to appreciate our efforts. That's fine. Somebody told me before that "love isn't just about what you feel, it's more about what you do about that feeling" true!
We can never please and impress everyone especially our love interests or crushes, it seems very hard to gain their attention, which happens to everyone right? But I'm sure we don't just write to impress, we always write to express we keep that in mind and heart.
Keep writing, never stop, it doesn't matter if you write because of a positive or negative experience, both can actually bring out something amazing within you. Yes, your crush or your love interest would not be able to appreciate it but there are a lot of people who can do that!
Words can open hearts, it may not be the heart that you intend to open but still, it would be a big privilege to be able to inspire someone because you've been inspired as well.


Yours truly,

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