Question #1

775 34 6

StarburstJoy asked Why did you choose to live in the sewers? Thanks StarburstJoy!

Leo: okay, I'm going to take this question because I'm the leader.

Donnie: but I'm the smart one!

Raph: and I'm the handsome one.

Mikey: and I'm cooler than all of you dudets, so I think I win.

*all glare at Mikey*

Mikey: what?

Leo: Okay... I'll just answer the question. Well StarburstJoy, we didn't choose to live in the sewer. We were actually kinda forced to. After my brothers and I turned into mutants, Sensei Splinter took us down here to live and hide from Shredder.

Mikey: it's not that bad, actually.

Raph: okay, next question?

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