Question #30

355 29 25

DiscoDragon18 asked TMNT: If you could be any mutant animal besides a turtle, what would you be? Thaaaaaaank you DiscoDragon18!

Mikey: um.. Definitely not a squirrel... I like the sound of a moth. A giant mutant moth.

Leo: really? You know what, fine. Mikey, you be a moth.

Raph: I'd be a mutant bear.

Donnie: why bear?

Raph: because they're really big, and they've got claws, and I'm pretty sure everyone will be scared of me.

Donnie: I'd be a tortoise.

*all stare at Donnie*

Leo: isn't that the same thing as a turtle?

Mikey: yeah, seriously Don, what would you be? OH! I'm changing mine!!

Raph: what do you want to be, Mikey? *crosses arms*

Mikey: a mutant monkey! That way I would still be a beast at skateboarding!!

Donnie: okay, and no, Leo, tortoises are NOT the same thing as turtles. They are so much bigger and I've heard they live longer.

Leo: *eyeroll* right, Donnie, you be a tortious.

Raph: go, Leo. We don't want to keep DiscoDragon18 waiting.

Leo: okay, okay. Hmmmm I'll be part panther. Yes, that would be cool.

Mikey: Donnie, ready? At the same time...


Raph: *covering ears* hey comment what animal you would be DiscoDragon18! Or anyone else.

Mikey & Donnie: *whisper* tortoise power.

Leo: Thanks!! Next question?

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