Question #8

487 29 2

bradyfan12 asked all the bros: What is each of your favorite foods? Thanks bradyfan12!!

All brothers: PIZZA!!

Raph: .....

Donnie: .....

Mikey: .....

Leo: ..... Maybe we should say our favorite types of pizza?

*all nod in agreement*

Mikey: well, me being a pizza enthusiast and all... bradyfan12, to answer your question, are favorite food is pizza with any topping. And I mean ANY!

Donnie: not ANY for me, but yeah pretty close to it.

Raph: same here.

Mikey: Whatever dudets... I like pizza the best out of all of you.

Raph: that is NOT TRUE!!

Mikey: YES IT IS, Raph! Besides I discovered it.

Leo: Raph, Donnie, Mikey. Let's not turn this question into another argument. to sum up our answer, bradyfan12, we like ALL edible topping on top of our pizza.

Donnie: we also like the occasional pizza roll.

Mikey: neeeeeeext QUESTION!!

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