Question #14

425 27 14

MysteriouslyDark asked the bros Who do you guys think is the best turtle out of all of you? Thank youuuu MysteriouslyDark!!

Raph: honestly all you fan girls are asking the most obvious and rhetorical questions. I thought we already went over who the best turtle was! *points to self*

Mikey: Yeah and it wasn't you!! *high fives self* Face it dudets, I'm the real fan favorite here.

Donnie: BUT I'M TALL! And smart!! That makes me the most liked. It's why I'm the best.

Leo: guys... I'm the leader which means I get to choose.

*brothers wait*

Leo: alright I choose.......... Leo!

Raph: WHAT??! You can't choose yourself!

Donnie: that means you can't choose yourself either, Raph!

Mikey: neither can you, Don!!

Donnie: well, then we're even!!! Because you can't choose yourself either!

Leo: alright, alright, guys. Sorry MysteriouslyDark we can't choose... we're just all so different. And it defeats the purpose if we all choose ourselves...

Mikey: *whispers* It's me.

Raph: *elbows Mikey*

Donnie: next! Even though this conversation isn't over. *glares at bros*

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