Question #46

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MysteriouslyDark asked the turtles Would you guys have a birthday party if you could? And what would the theme be? Thanks MysteriouslyDark!

Mikey: BOOYAKASHAAAAAA! YES! Why haven't we thrown one before?!!

Donnie: well, we have ordered pizza, but that-

Mikey: PIZZA! That's my theme. Pizza plates, pizza forks, pizza spoons, pizza balloons, pizza hats, pizza presents, pizza pizza-

Raph: God, Mikey we get it jeez.

Leo: I'd have a Space Hero theme, MysteriouslyDark.

*brothers eye roll*

Mikey: Dude that show's like, for second graders.

Leo: look who's talking! *defensively* and no it's not...

Donnie: yeah, Mikey you want a pizza themed party.

Raph: Leo yeah it is.

Mikey: well pizza is awesome! I'm sure MysteriouslyDark agrees with my theme. *sticks tongue out at Donnie*

Raph: sure, pizza is awesome, but Mikey. No one would wear a pizza hat.

*Mikey crosses arms and fumes*

Donnie: I would have a scientist-themed party.

*all stare at Donnie*

Donnie: like, ya know? With test tubes, devices, cool machines, computers. It'll be cool.

Leo: mine will have cardboard cutouts of the characters and a flight simulator.

Raph: uh huh. *crosses arms* and how are you gonna pull that off?

Leo: uuuuuhhhhh any ideas MysteriouslyDark?

Raph: whatever. Ummm I'd have either a NASCAR or Spike theme.

Donnie: why NASCAR?

Raph: it's loud, screaming fans, loud, fun, good food. Everything you want for a birthday party.

Mikey: how do you even know that? You've never been.

Raph: I've seen it on tv.

Leo: *eye roll* yeah and you definitely know what the food tastes like.

Mikey: one day were gonna have a mega-birthday party that's a pizza-NASCAR Space Hero-scientist theme.

Raph: psh. In your dreams.

Donnie: NEEEXT question!

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