3| Bad Moods and Evil Teachers

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The hallways were a noisy chaos of greys and blacks. Students were clustering the halls, chatting in groups with their friends while at the same time hurrying to the stairs. The classrooms were on different floors and all Gina needed to do was to find SS1A, her class.

Easier said than done.

It helped that all the doors were labelled but Gina didn't want to spend the little time she had before class started looking at all the door labels in search of her classroom. Some classrooms were also labelled for different subjects so it would take a while to find her class.

She needed someone to tell her which floor SS1A was on so she glanced around for someone to ask.

Old students were in groups talking excitedly and Gina didn't want to interrupt a conversation. Most of the students walking alone were probably new students like herself but she wasn't very sure.

As she scrutinised all the students, she realised something, it was actually pretty obvious and it was weird she hadn't seen it sooner.

Junior secondary students wore short-sleeved grey shirts while seniors wore long-sleeved ones. Apart from that minor detail, the school uniforms looked exactly alike at least for the guys. The junior girls wore black pinafores with their grey shirts.

Gina grimaced, she sure was glad she wasn't a junior student.

As she stared at the uniforms of a small group of juniors huddled together in an animated discussion, she bumped into a guy.

He'd been standing at the edge of the stairs about to start climbing and when he was hit, he tripped and went tumbling down. His dark blue water bottle fell from his hands and he scrambled to catch it but it hit the floor with a loud crack.

"Oh my Gosh, I'm so sorry—"

His head whipped in her direction and and she could see that he was very angry. "Are you mad?! Is something doing you?"

He had a very thick accent and something told Gina that he didn't mean the word 'mad' as angry. She fumbled with her words as she stared at his dark brown face which was twisted in fury. He made an impatient noise with his mouth that sounded like an attempt to kiss his teeth.

"Ode, you cannot look where you're going or what?"

Gina did not know what ode meant but from the amount of contempt he had spit it out with, she could tell it was not a nice word.

"I said I was sorry, I didn't mean to run into you! It was an accident. I can get you a bottle of water to replace yours if you want."

The boy kissed his teeth again then let it out in a long whistling sound, irking the hell out of Gina.

"Be there forming accent, better get me a new water bottle o!"

Gina glared at him forgetting that she was meant to be sorry. What the hell did he mean by she was 'forming accent'? That she was faking it?

"Dumebi, you like to vex too much. Didn't she say she was sorry?"

Gina turned behind her and saw a girl standing behind her with her hands in her hips.

"And so what? Will sorry fix my new water bottle?"

The girl rolled her eyes, "Abeg stand up joor, drama queen, you're blocking the way. The bell will soon ring."

Still glaring at Gina, Dumebi stood up and dusted the back of his pants.

"Better get me a new bottle before lunch break."

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