5| Caramel Eyes and Decorated Tables

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"That's all for today class. See you in our next one."

And then the Civic Education teacher was out the door, his laptop bag clenched at his side and the tapping of his black leather shoes fading away with each step he took.

Gina glanced up at the clock, it was barely two minutes till lunch time. She rubbed her palms together to get rid of the sweat dampening them. She was excited, in both the good and the bad ways.

She'd done it. The very thing she'd decided not to do and had texted her besties to not do too, before a certain witch had vexed the hell out of her.

It was initially meant to be a funny prank. Just something to make the first day of school to be a little eventful but after meeting the people here, Gina had decided that the day would be eventful enough.

Now there she was, dreading yet anticipating the school's reaction to the surprise written in blue permanent ink on a certain dining table.

I shouldn't have done it... But she deserved it! Damnit.

Whether she'd been right or wrong, it was too late to take it back. The bell rang and everyone stood up and headed out the door, making their way to the dining hall.

Gina watched as they walked passed her desk, her heart thumping in her chest.

Oh God.

"Hey. Aren't you coming?"

Gina looked up at Nifemi, "Y-yes, but, um, I need to use the bathroom first. I'll meet you at the hall."

And quicker than Nifemi could reply, she was up on her feet and out the door, speed walking to the bathroom at the end of the hall.

Maybe I can wait here for a while till it's safe.

She had no idea what "safe" meant exactly but she didn't stop till she got to the girls bathroom, ducking into one of the cubicles.

Now, I wait.


The dining hall was huge. It was an entirely separate building a stone-throw away from the secondary school block.

The white ceiling was high, covered with lights and ceiling fans. The lights were switched off at the moment since it was afternoon so the wide windows on all four walls were open.

Matt had arrived at the hall just a couple of minutes after the bell went but it was already packed and buzzing with activity.

A banner hung over their heads from the ceilings and WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL was written in colourful letters on it but sadly, no one really bothered to look up.

Except Matt of course.

"Hey, Matt!" Wilson called out to him. He was surrounded by some of their classmates as well as students from the other SS3 classes.

"Hey." Matt nodded at him and waited as Wilson muttered something to the group then made his way over to Matt.

"This place is hot na. Guy, why the hell are you still wearing your tie? Loosen up a bit." Wilson told him, staring pointedly at the blazer Matt still wore.

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