10| Attention Seekers and Fake laughs

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SS1A was noisy and busy.

The class was filled with students from all four SS1 classes. For some reason, everyone had chosen to gather in Gina's class for the game so the place was packed. The over-head fans and air-conditioning were on so they closed the door behind them after they walked in.

The class was literally buzzing with activity. The game was obviously not yet started but students were huddled in groups, chatting and laughing loudly, practically fighting for attention.

Some students were dancing to barely audible music played from phones sticking out a little from the owners' bags. They were being cautious, the phone's would be out of sight at the first sign of a passing teacher from the windows. Gina wished she'd been that careful on the first day of school, she would've still been in possession of her phone if she had.

There were mostly girls present. Most of the guys were downstairs on the field playing the pointless game of soccer and getting dirty in the process. Gina was glad to know that the girls here all shared the same disinterest in the game as she did.

"Hannah, how far you and Imohi?" A girl Gina didn't recognise yelled out, smirking. She was perched on a desk in the middle of the class with her long legs crossed and surrounded by guys and girls, some of which Gina also didn't recognise. The girl's caramel coloured eyes twinkled mischievously. "We saw you guys flirting downstairs, what's up?"

Hannah smirked back and walked towards her, pulling Gina after her.

"Same as always. He's still in love with me, of course." She told the girl proudly and laughed daintily. Her arm snaked around Gina's waist, tugging gently on the jacket tied around it. "I had to whyne him small sha so he could give me his jacket for my friend here."

And then the attention was tossed to Gina suddenly. All the girls' stares focused on her, judging and accessing like she was a potential friend. Or competition.

Gina knew these type of girls. She also knew not to show a single hint of nervousness or to stutter as she smiled sassily and spoke. "Hi."

"For those of you that don't know, this is Gina Michaels, one of the new students this year." Hannah told them, keeping her arm around Gina's waist for comfort. A gesture Gina appreciated immensely.

"Hey, Gina." The girl on the table said, uncrossing her polished legs and leaning forward. "I'm Chioma and these are my friends: Vivy, Rachel, Pelumi and Whitney. Oti over there is my boyfriend. We're in SS1C."

Gina smiled at them and they smiled back. She glanced at the guy Chioma had pointed at as he chatted with two other guys and tried her hardest not to let her jaw hit the floor.

He was hot. He was broad with a frame that towered over Gina's five foot three inches frame and his skin was very dark. His neat haircut had edges sharper than a knife's and apparently, his jaws were nearly similar.

"I love your lip gloss. Are you putting on mascara?" Vivy gushed, drawing Gina's attention back to the group. Her eyes flicked to Chioma for a second and she saw a silent warning in them.

The message couldn't be any clearer.

"Thanks. And yeah, I am." Gina scanned the Vivy's dark face, "you've got such clear skin. I'm so jealous."

Vivy's laughter was posh and perfect, like she'd either practiced it in her free time or she was just naturally dainty.

"Abi o. If you see the way guys pursue her like mindless moths to a flame. Especially with that thick butt of hers," Chioma added, not a single evidence of the hostility Gina saw in them a moment ago present.

"Is it my fault my nyash is big?" she asked smugly and Gina giggled at her bluntness.

"You're American, right? I've been hearing so much about SS1C's new foreign student." Pelumi noted conversationally, making snapping sounds with her gum as she talked.

"Yeah. I moved here from Oklahoma last week."

"Wow, that's so recent. I wonder why you even came here sef. Honestly, I'd just stay there forever." Rachel told her. She was looking at Gina with a raised eyebrow, her expression asking, 'why did you come here?'

Gina had to give them an explanation sooner or later.

"My mom's Nigerian and she has some business here so we came along." Half-truths aren't lies, right?

"Oh. So your dad is white?" Chioma asked staring intently at her.


"No wonder, your skin is so fair."

Gina laughed, flattered but a little bit uncomfortable. "You should see my bro. He's fair skinned with my dad's green eyes. So unfair."

No puns intended.

They were silent for a moment before Chioma spoke again. "Is you're brother Matt? The new student in SS3A?"

"Yeah." Gina said once again.

"Ugh, I wish I was half-caste like you guys." Nifemi suddenly exclaimed. "Honestly, I'm angry at my parents for not being foreign."

They all laughed heartily, successfully drawing the heads of everyone else in the class. Including a certain hottie Gina shouldn't be thinking about.

"I'm half Togolese by the way." Chioma told her informatively.

Oh wow." Gina would have said more if Chioma's boyfriend hadn't walked up behind her. Slipping his hands around her waist, he whispered in her ears and kissed her neck possessively causing Chioma to smile proudly, glancing at Gina pointedly.

"Hey, Oti."

"Hey babe." He responded smiling at her.

"Meet my latest friend, Gina. Apparently, she just moved here from the US." Gina almost thought she'd imagined the mockery in her voice.

When Oti's eyes dark shot to Gina, she forgot about Chioma completely. "Hey."

"Hi." She responded immediately. "Nice to meet you, Oti."

"You too, Gina."

Gina felt hot. She liked the way her name sounded on his lips. His full perfectly shaped pink lips. Were Cupid bows allowed to be so perfect?

Shut up, Gina. That's Chioma's boyfriend!

The bell finally rang. Signalling the end of the lunch break and the start of the only two free periods all the SS1s shared.

"I'm so happy Mrs. Joan is absent. I'm not in the mood for Etiquette class." Hannah said rolling her eyes.

"I don't have a problem with the class honestly. It's just that that woman is a fraud. She doesn't have clue what she's doing." Chioma said with a sigh.

"I heard she was fired. We're getting a new Etiquette teacher." Oti said seating on the empty chair besides the table his girlfriend sat on, toying casually with her shirt. In that moment, Gina wished so badly that it was her shirt being tugged at.

Why are all the hot guys never single?

"Let's start the game already. I'm tired of waiting for those boys joor," Pelumi complained. Chioma gave her a nasty look.

"Are there enough guys to play with? Can't you see that there are many girls here or do you want to be dared to kiss a girl or what?" She snapped.

"Oh...right. Sorry," Pelumi stuttered and Chioma rolled her eyes.

And then suddenly, the doors few open and there were the boys. Changed back into their uniforms and making a hell of noise.

"Let's start this game, we're here!" Dumebi yelled and Gina cursed under her breath.

Just great.


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