4| Beautiful Girls and Bad Blood

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Gina glanced around at her classmates. They were all staring at her with similar expressions on their faces, pity.

She swallowed nervously and walked forward towards the teacher who kept on glaring at her like she'd committed a grave crime.

With shaky hands, she placed her phone in the teacher's hand and immediately, the woman slipped it in her black handbag.

"Don't come back for it."

Gina's eyes widened in alarm. "Ma'am, but—!"

"Shut up! Didn't you know phones were prohibited in school? I had said it myself during the orientation on Saturday so no excuses."

Gina was seriously regretting not paying attention on Saturday. She opened her mouth and closed it, wondering what in the world she'd say to change this woman's mind.

"Good morning class. Settle down, just because you're now seniors doesn't mean you can slack!"

The woman didn't even look in Gina's direction as she turned away from the students to connect her roughed up and outdated laptop to the class projector.

Someone tapped on Gina's shoulder, she turned and met Nifemi's pitying gaze.

"Just take a seat, Gina. She's a witch, I know, but there's nothing you can do right now."

"How can she just permanently seize my phone?" Gina complained in a low voice so that the witch didn't hear her. She sat down and Nifemi sat at the desk beside her while Hannah picked the desk in front of Gina.

"She's bluffing, she can't keep it forever," Nifemi said and Gina sighed in relief, "she'll just keep it till the end of this term."


"You!" The woman suddenly shouted. Gina looked up and saw her staring directly at her. "Why are you shouting in my class? Do you want me to give you a punishment?"

"No ma'am."

"Then keep quiet!"

"Yes ma'am."

Gina held in the impulse to cry, the wrinkling in her nose and the heat on her face making it hard.

She'd just made an honest mistake, she would've never have done it again if given the chance. But no, this lady just had to seize her phone.

How am I supposed to text Gina and Madison now?

That thought alone brought on a fresh wave of heat on her face but she held back the tears of frustration opting instead to glare at the lady, who introduced herself as Mrs Akintayo, till the end of the English class.

When the bell rang for the next period, Gina watched with burning hate as the heavy lady walked out with her handbag, still containing Gina's precious phone, shoved under her sagging arms.

"Gina, I'm so sorry. I should have warned you that that witch had come but I thought you already knew so I—" Nifemi started to say as Gina packed up her books and shoved them in her bag.

"It's fine. Forget about it. I'm not mad at you." She didn't like being spoken to when she was angry, she had a quick tongue and she really didn't want her classmates to find that out on her very first day.

"Are you sure?"

Gina took in a deep breath to prevent herself from lashing out. She looked up from her desk and forced a smile.

"Its not your fault. I just didn't pay enough attention during the school orientation."

"Oh, ok. Um, so which department are you in?"

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