Chapter 2

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Dawns POV

'Where am I?'

'What am I doing here' I said all woozie, I felt like i had been hit on the back of the head by something hard. My vision was all blurred, it was a mixure of grey and black. I tried to move but I was being restricted. I started to panic 'Help me' I cried helplessly,

'Keep it down' a girl voice groaned.

'Who said that?' I yelled, worried what she will do to me, I could only make out a blur of her, orange and yellow colours surrounded the figure.

'Me?' She replied sarcastically

'Yeah big help'

'Im in the same mess you are so don't get cocky' she snapped.

'Well tell me your name, cause im kinda blind here' I said, closing my eyes trying to get my vision back

'Oh sorry bout that no wonder you never recognised me its me Misty' she laughed,

'Misty what are you doing here' I asked curiously

'I dont know probably the same as you'

My vision started to clear.'I can see again' I looked over to the direction of the voice to see Misty on the floor tied up tightly against the wall, she had chains on her feet, that were connected to the floor. 'How are we going to escape' asked Misty, as she scanned the room. The room was like a jail cell, only a tiny window and a steel door, with no means of escape.

one thing I had realised is I was dangerling from ceiling I was upside down 'ahhh why am I upside down get me DOWN' I yelled, I started to wiggle around until I heard a rip, I suddenly plummeted to the floor. THUD! I smacked my face into the dirt ridden ground 'ow!' I complained rubbing my cheek.

Misty was in uncontrollable laughter. 'You okay?' She took a deep breath of air.

'No look at my face'

Misty eyes started to water from all the laughter, but suddenly it stopped ' get me out of this' she said throwing her body around.

I started to untie the tight knots restricting Misty. After mintues of untangeling she was once again free... but not totally, she was chained by the ankles.

She began to cry, 'what am I going to do' tears flowed down her cheek as she curled up into a ball.

'Misty I promise I will get you out of this' I reassured her.

'But I doubt we will get out, I wish Ash was here' I thought to myself, something came across my mind, I put my hand on my chest and grabbed the necklace I was wearing, Misty glanced over.

'What you got there?, is it for good luck' she asked, as she looked at the object in my hand.

'I hope' I ripped the necklace off my neck 'Ash told me it would protect me, he gave it to me on the day he died, so I hope hes right'

Misty remember the day that Ash died, even tho she wasn't there to support him in person, she was sat in the cerilun gym, putting her gym battles aside just to watch. She sat infront of the tv and she remember Ashs life disappearing right infront of her eyes 'Asshh..' she murmered.

Misty Flashback (Misty's POV)

Its was a bright and colourful morning, and the Gym was packed with challengers, 'what a day!'

I open the doors of the Gym to be greeted by lots of wanna be trainers 'I want to battle you' the small boy demanded, looking into my eyes making me feel guilty.

'Sorry but we are closed today' I declaring, seeing the boy expression change.

'Why I demand to know!' He protested, his eyes being to fire up.

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