Dreams Will Come True [EDITED]

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Two birds fluttered into a room through an open window. Two beds laid side by side in the room, with two girls laying asleep in them. The birds fluttered to the first, in an attempt to wake her up. They seemed to be saying

'Cinderella wake up'. Said girl turned in her bed. Her sister opened an eye and quickly closed it before the birds noticed.

'Cinderella wake up.' She giggled and hid her face under her pillow.

'Cinderella wake up, wake……' This time she flicked the bird in the butt, causing it to fly away tweeting angrily. Cinderella woke up, laughing.

"Serves you right for spoiling people's best dreams." She looked over to the other bed to see her sister still asleep, then chucked a pillow at her.

"Hey!" [Y/n] exclaimed and Cinderella laughed.

"Get up sleepy head."

[Y/n] tossed the pillow back at her. The birds flew to the window chirping happily.

"Yes I know it's a lovely morning but, it was a lovely dream too." Cinderella sighed, untangling her hair.

The birds flew over to them, one resting on Cinderella's knee, the other on [Y/n]'s shoulder.

"What kind of a dream? Ah uh, can't tell."

'Why?' The birds seem to ask.

"Cause if you tell a wish, it won't come true…" [Y/n] started "…and after all."

A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for you keep

Have faith in your dreams    and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling true
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing

The dreams that you wish will come true.

Everyone in the room, that is rats and birds, all sighed.

'Dong!' A clock rang.

"Oh that clock." Cinderella said getting up from her bed walking towards the window.

"Old killjoy." [Y/n] said following suit.

"We hear you get up you say, time to start another day." Cinderella said angrily at the clock.

"Even he orders us around." [Y/n] said to the animals.

"Well there is one thing…" Cinderella said nudging her sister "…they can't order us to stop dreaming."

[Y/n] sighed dreamily, "And perhaps someday…"

The dream that we wish will come true.

They spin around the room, humming the tone of the song while the birds make their beds, help them bathe and the rats prepare their clothes for the day.

Being almost ready, [Y/n] help tie Cinderella's string back.

No matter how your heart is grieving

They both sit at their dressing table, with their chairs adjacent to each other and fix their hairs.

If you keep on believing

The dreams that you wish will come true.

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