The Chase [EDITED]

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"Well this night has been eventful." Eric said as he and [Y/n] sat on a bench in the garden.

"It has? How?"

"Well I met a beautiful woman, who I'm pretty sure crushed my feet while dancing, is very outspoken and loves taking risks."

"Wow, she's a weird one." They both laughed.

"But then again, this night has also been the best night of my life."

"I wonder why."

"Cause this was the night I met the woman of my dreams." He said looking deep into her eyes. "And I don't want this night to ever end." He said as he started leaning in.

"Me neither." [Y/n] whispered as she leaned in too. Their lips brushed each other when…

"There you are." They both jumped apart.

"Come on, we have to go." Cinderella said pulling her sister up.

"Wait what? Is it midnight already?" The clock struck.

"That's the third strike, come on."

"But-" She looked back at Eric, who just stared back at the twins in confusion.

"You two are twins?" He asked.

"Come on." Cinderella urged.

"Wait just a second." She went over to Eric and took off one of her bracelets, and the both stopped glowing, pressing it into his palm.

"This night was the best in my life too, never forget me. Bye!" She ran away with her sister.

"Wait! Hey! I don't even know your name yet. Wait! Please!" Eric called after her.

"Goodbye." The twins said as they waved bye to the Grand Duke

"I say. Mademoiselles wait."

Eric met Charming as he was chasing after Cinderella.

"Lost yours too?" Charming asked his friend.

"Yup. Fun fact, did you know the girls are twins?"

"Well that explains a lot." But then a group of girls blocked their way.

"Come on, come on, hurry." [Y/n] said as she and her sister ran. But then Cinderella lost a shoe and The Grand Duke picked it up.

"Senoritas please, just a moment." Cinderella and [Y/n] ran into their carriage.

"Guards, guard! Stop that couch! Close those gates!" The Grand Duke yelled but the twins' carriage managed to go through before the gates were closed.

"Follow that coach! Open those gates!"

Riders in black rode out of the castle gates, chasing the twins'carriage. The horses ran so fast away from the black riders, but then the clock struck the twelfth time.

The carriage started falling apart as the horses turned back into mice, the coach itself went back to a pumpkin and everything went back to normal. The twins ran into the bushes as they heard the riders coming, who pass by trampling the pumpkin.

"I'm sorry." Cinderella said, as she and her sister hid in a bush with their animal friends who had turned back to normal.

"I lost track of everything, even the time but…but it was so romantic. And he was so handsome and when we danced. Oh I don't even think The Prince or The Duke would seem more…more."

Cinderella stood up, dusting off her skirt. "Well, that's it. It's over and I think it's time we head on home. Come on [Y/n]. [Y/n]?"

Cinderella turned to see her twin in a daze, staring out into space.


"Uh? What? Oh." [Y/n] said coming out of her daze, blushing slightly.

"Was he that wonderful?" Cinderella asked.

"He was so amazing, and he was really sweet, and when we talked it felt as if I've known him forever. This night was the best night of my life. No stepmother, no Anastasia or Drizella, no house chores. I was free." She sighed sadly. "Well it's over and…"

"Cinderelly your slipper. Yeah Cinderelly, your slipper, your slipper." Jaq and Gus pointed out to Cinderella who pulled off the glass slippers from her foot and held it in her hand.

"Wow Cinderella, you just got lucky." [Y/n] said to her sister.

"Not just me. Look at your wrist, your bracelet's still there." Cinderella pointed to [Y/n] who smiled at the sight of the bracelet.

She looked up at the sky, thanking their fairy godmother for a wonderful night.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

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