An Impromptu Ball [EDITED]

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It was a peaceful day at the Royal Palace. It felt serene, like no one was around.

That was until a crown was tossed out one of the windows.

"My son and his Royal adviser have been avoiding their responsibilities long enough. It's high time they both got married and settle down."

The King said, banging his fist on the table.

"Of course Your Majesty." The Grand Duke said peeking out from a Knight's costume. "But we must be patient."

"I am patient!" He threw an ink bottle at the Grand Duke, who hid behind the costume again.

"I'm not getting any younger you know, I want to see my grandchildren before I go."

"I understand Sire." The Grand Duke said, sympathetically, walking up to the King and placing a hand on the man's shoulder.

"No." The King said pushing him away. "No you don't know what it means to see your only child and someone you practically raised as your own grow further, further and further away from you."

He pointed at the portraits of the boys as they grew up.

"I'm lonely in this desert old palace. I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet again." The king said sniffing.

"Now now now Your Majesty." The Grand Duke said patting his head. "Perhaps we should just let them alone."

"Let them alone?" The King yelled and the Grand Duke hid at the back of a chair. "With their silly romantic ideas?"

"But Sire, in matters of love…"

"Love, plagh! Just a boy meeting a girl under the right conditions." The King said pointing at the figurines of a guy and a girl, separated by books, then he tossed the books aside. "So we're arranging the condition."

"But Sire, if the boys should suspect…"

"Suspect ah! Look the boys are coming home today aren't they?" The king asked climbing on top of the table sliding on it, with the Grand Duke sliding backwards.

"Y…yes Sire."

"And what could be more natural than a ball to celebrate their return?"

"N…nothing Sire."

"If all the maidens in my kingdom just eh happen to be there." He pushed the Grand Duke back into the chair.

"Well they're bound to show interest in two of them aren't they?" He grabbed the Grand Duke by the shirt. "Aren't they?"

"Y…yes Sire."

"And the moment they do, soft lights, romantic music, all the thrillings." The Grand Duke fell from the chair and onto the Knight's costume. "It can't possibly fail. Can it?"

"Y…yes Sire, n…no Sire." The Grand Duke said wearing the Knight's helmet. "Very well Sire, I shall arrange the ball for…"

"Tonight!" The King said excitedly.

"To…tonight? Oh but Sire…"

"Tonight! And see that every eligible maiden is there. Understand?!"

"Yes Your Majesty."

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