Found Out [EDITED]

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"Cinderella!" Lady Tremaine's voice rang through the whole mansion. "[Y/n]! [Y/n]! Where are those?"

"Yes." Cinderella said emerging from the kitchen with her twin, a broomstick in her hand and her twin holding a mop.

"Here we are." [Y/n] finished.

"My daughters, where are they?"

"I think they're still in bed."

"Oh. Well don't just stand there. Bring up the breakfast trays at once and hurry."

The twins left to do as they were told and Lady Tremaine rushed upstairs.

"I wonder what's the matter with her?" Jaq said to Gus.

"Uh, what's a hurry?"

"I don't know, let's find out. Come on." They ran into their holes, following Stepmother upstairs.


Lady Tremaine ran into Drizella's room and threw open the curtains.

"Drizella! Drizella!"

"What?" The girl answered in a sleepy voice.

"Get up this instant, we haven't got a moment to loose."

She stepped out and went into Anastasia's room.

"Anastasia, Anastasia. Get up Anastasia." She said shaking the girl awake, going over to open the curtains.

"Mother? What? Why?"

Jaq and Gus popped out in the candlestand, while Lady Tremaine started running through Anastasia's clothes picking out decent ones.

"Hurry now, he'll be here any minute."

"Who will?" Drizella asked yawning as she entered the room.

"The Grand Duke, he's been hunting all night."

Cinderella appeared at the door, carrying a tray of breakfast.

"Hunting?" Drizella asked.

"For those girls. You know the one who lost her slipper at the ball last night, they say he's madly in love with her."

"The Grand Duke is?" Anastasia asked.

"No no no, The Prince."

"The Prince!" Cinderella gasped in surprise, the tray falling from her hands, but the Tremaines seem to not have heard her.

"The Grand Duke is also hunting for the other girl too."

By this time, [Y/n] entered with her own breakfast tray.

"She also left her bracelet behind. Duke Eric is the one smitten with her."

"Oh my, Duke Eric." [Y/n] also gasped as her tray fell from her hand.

Lady Tremaine turned around at the sound, glaring at the girls.

"Clumsy little fools. Clean that up, and then help my daughters dress."

"What for?" Drizella asked.

"If the boys are in love with those girls why should we even bother?" Anastasia said as she and her twin went back to lying down, using the blanket to cover themselves.

"Now you two listen to me." She took away the blanket. "There's still a chance that both of you can get them."

"Uh? Both of us?" They pointed to each other. "Why mother what do you mean?"

"Just this. No one, not even the boys know who those girls are."

"We know, we know, it's the twinses." Gus yelled but Jaq shushed him, pushing his head back into the candlestand.

"This glass slipper and the bracelet are the only clues." Lady Tremaine said.

The twins listened intently to their stepmother as they carefully picked up the broken pieces of the plates. "Now The Grand Duke has been ordered to try the accessories on every girl in the kingdom. If one can be found who those accessories fit, those girls will be the Royal's brides."

"The Royal's brides." Cinderella and [Y/n] whispered in disbelief.

"The Royal's brides?" The Tremaine twins exclaimed very much awake now.

"Cinderella get my things together.

"[Y/n] iron my dress."

"And press the ruffles on my skirt."

"Get rid of all those wrinkles."

They said piling up clothes into the twins' arms, but then paused when they saw that the girls paid no attention to them, but had dreamy looks on their faces.

"W…What's the matter with them?" Anastasia asked.

"Wake up stupids." Drizella added.

"We've got to get dressed." That seemed to snap them out of their daze.

"Oh yes, we must get dressed." Cinderella said pushing the clothes in her arms to Anastasia.

"It will never do for The Grand Duke to see us like this." [Y/n] said doing the same to Drizella, then her and her twin walked out of the room, the Tremaines watching them in surprise.

"Just look at your hair." Cinderella said to her sister as they walked to their room.

"What? It looks okay." [Y/n] retorted.

"It looks like a bird's nest. We have to fix that."

The Tremaine twins started complaining.

"Mother did you see what they did?"

"Are you just going to let them get away with…"

"Quiet!" Stepmother exclaimed as she watched the twins in suspicious, skipping happily to their room humming the notes of  'So This Is Love'

She followed them, with an evil intent.

"What's she gonna do?" Gus asked Jaq.

"Shush! We gotta watch her. Come on." They ran up a hole, upstairs.


The twins were in their room, with Cinderella trying to fix her sister's hair.


"Hold still."

"I'm trying to… ow. But you're pulling so… ow… hard."

"Not my fault your hair looks like a squirrel's nest." But then she sighed dreamily. "Who ever thought I'd ever fall in love with The Prince?"

"Or I'd fall in love with The Duke?"

"It's a miracle."

"Just like Fairy godmother said. Miracles do happen."

The girls failed to see their Stepmother reach into their room, pulling the key to the door from it's keyhold.

Jaq and Gus jumped up and down, trying to get their attentions.

"Hmm? What?" [Y/n] asked.

The girls looked up into their mirror, seeing their stepmother lock the door.

The twins ran over to the door, seeing it shut.

"No. No, you can't do this. You can't keep us in here." Cinderella cried out as Lady Tremaine smirked, keeping the key in her pocket.

"Let us out this instant, you evil witch." [Y/n] said trying to open the door.

Jaq and Gus slipped underneath the door, watching the woman go down the stairs.

"No! No! She can't lock up the twinses. I'm gonna…" Jaq drew him back.

"We have to get that key Gus Gus. We've just gotta get that key."

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