The Ball [EDITED]

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Carriages lined up at the palace as a fanfare played to announce the arrival of the guests. The Prince and the young Duke stood at the far end of the hall on a raised platform, and the King and The Grand Duke sat at a balcony which looked down on the whole hall.

"The Princess Frederica Eugenia de la Fontaine." A servant said he read the girl's name off a scroll.

The princess walked over to where the boys were and curtsied. The boys bow back, showing no interest and the girl walked back to the crowd.

"M'amselle Augustina Dubois, the daughter of General Pierre Dubios."

The same thing happened with this lady, making the King groan from where he watched.

"Ah! The boys aren't cooperating." He said disappointedly.

"M'amselle Leanora Mercedes de la Torres, daughter of Colonel and Madam de la Torres."

The King watched expectedly but his face fell when he saw that the boys took no interest in that girl either.

"I can't understand this. There must be one who can make a suitable mother!" The King exclaimed.

"Shh, Sire." The Grand Duke said, gesturing to the crowd.

"A suitable wife." The King whispered.


A white carriage pulled up in front of the palace, lighting up everywhere.

"You ready for this Cinderella?" [Y/n] asked her twin.

"Not really." They both chuckled and walked out of the carriage, into the palace.

"Remember, we have only till midnight." [Y/n] reminded her sister.

"Hmm mmm. But where do you think everyone else is?" Cinderella asked as they wondered aimlessly around the hall.

"I don't know. Um… follow the sound of the music?"

"Let's give it a try."

"You're not making any effort in this." Eric whispered to his friend.

"Look who's talking. You haven't even looked at a girl twice tonight." Charming retorted.

"Well at least I'm not the heir to the throne. Your father expects you to choose a wife tonight."

"My father expects you to get one too, oh High and Mighty Royal Adviser. My father treats you like his own son."

"One of the reasons I regret growing up with you, sometimes." Charming chuckled.

"The Mademoiselles Drizella and Anastasia Tremaine. Daughters of Lady Tremaine."

"Here comes trouble."

"Oh dad." Charming looked up as the two girls came and bow before them.

The King shook his head in disapproval at the Tremaine twins and then sank into his chair.

"I give up. Even I don't expect the boys to…"

"Well I tried to tell you Your Majesty but you Sire are completely romantic." The Grand Duke said, bouncing his pocket lens, as the King's eyes followed it.

"No doubt you saw the whole pretty picture in detail. The young prince, bowing to the assembly."

The King watched intently as the Grand Duke's little 'fairytale' came to play.

"Suddenly he stops, he looks up and there she is. The girl of his dreams. Who she is or when we she came, he knows not nor does he care. But his heart tells him that here, here's the maid predestined to be his bride. A fairytale Sire but in real life, oh no. It is foredoomed to failure."

"Failure eh?!" The King exclaimed , and then pulled the Grand Duke downwards, pointing at the Prince and the beautiful maiden he was talking to. "Take a look at that you pompous windbag."

Charming led the lady to the dance floor.

"Who is she? Do you know her?" The King asked.

"No Sire, I've never seen her before." The Grand Duke replied.

"Well there's one thing in her favor." The King said, then gestured to the orchestra. "The waltz, quick the waltz."

The band immediately started playing.

"Lights." He whistled, telling them to bring it up, nearly falling off the balcony in the process, but luckily the Grand Duke held him back. "The lights."

The King laughed in triumph. "Failure eh?"

"Well Sire, it isn't a complete success yet. Eric hasn't shown any interest in…"

"Well don't worry, won't be long before he… Oh, there he goes now." They watched as Eric walked up to a (h/c) girl in blue. They talked a little then he led her to the dance floor.

"It's a complete success now isn't it?" The King asked elbowing The Grand Duke, breaking his spectacles.

The Grand Duke laughed sarcastically.

"Well I'll think I'll turn in for the night." The King said, stretching his arms.

"Quite so Sire, I think I too will…"

"You will stay right here." The King said pushing The Grand Duke back into the chair. "See they're not disturbed, and when the boys propose, notify me immediately."

He walked away from the balcony.

"Notify me immediately." The Grand Duke said in a mocking tone.

"And remember…" The King suddenly appeared at the door. "If anything goes wrong,"

He made a slicing notion at his neck, then disappeared behind the curtains finally.

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