Have I seen you before?

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Sana's eyes had fallen on the hottest and the most handsome guy in the group. She had felt some kind of attraction towards him. A feeling she didn't have for anyone before. She says to her friends," He is mine..whoever he is.." Devika looks at the guy and says," Woah! He is hot with a capital H. Shit man, why didn't I see him earlier?" Shikha looks at him and says," Yup, the hotness signals now has crossed the bars because of this new entry..hmm.." Brinda says,"Really Sana, you found the best anong the lot. Woah real handsome." Riku looks at him and says,"When we are imagining to take one, then we can imagine taking turns to have the hottest one. Kyun?" All the girls start to laugh. But Sana says," No. No one will have him. He is mine. Let's go." Brinda getting scared," Where? No..Are you serious? We can't really go to them and talk. No Sana. Bad idea." But by that time, Sana had already left. All the girls had no other options but to follow her.

Sana goes near the guys and they stop playing and come to them. Sana says hi and introduces everyone. But the guy was tongue tied. He was flirting with a foreigner a few minutes ago but as soon as he saw her, he was frozen. It took few seconds for him to return her hello and introduce his friends. Soon pairs made by the girls, were actually bonding among themselves. Ronit and Shikha, Vasu and Devika, Krish and Brinda, Sourav and Riku and Sana and Sid.

Sid had never been nervous before with girls. Although he had never been in a real relationship, he had few flings. But looking at Sana made him forget everything, even his name. They had started talking and then suddenly Sana's finger touched Sid's hand. A wave of electric shock passed and they got lost in the eyes of each other.

Sana asks," Have we met before?" Sid replies," I don't know. But you know what I feel I have seen you before too. Where I don't remember. " Sana asks,"You are from which place in India?" Sid replies, " Mumbai. You?" Sana replies," We are from Delhi. I have never been to Mumbai. Have you come to Delhi?" Sid says," Yes, but I don't think I have seen you then." They keep looking into each other eyes trying to understand why they look so familiar.

Their friends break their trance as they join them. Vasu says," Hey Sid, busy or what? You know girls, we were planning to go to Haad Kohm? What do say, let's go together there? Do you gals have any plans?" Devika replies," No actually we had no particular plan. Let's go, what say Sana." Sana looks at Sid and then smiles and says," Yeah, let's go."

Haad Kohm is another beach in the same area about 4 to 5 kilometres away from each other. They all decide to hike on the trail to reach the beach. Sana and Sid follow their friends, holding each other's hand. It is unbelievable to see, two people coming so close in a matter of minutes. Lost in the thoughts to where they had seen other, they keep walking. The nature is in its full bloom. The beauty of nature has increased ten folds with the love that is blooming slowly in the young hearts.

They reach the beach which is secluded, hence devoid of many tourists. The white sand, clear blue water, coconut trees and corals, makes the place amazing. They have their lunch there and converse among themselves. They come to know about each other. Just like Sid and his friends, Sana and her friends too are very close. They have been together from kindergarten days. They have all completed their graduation and will move in different directions in life. Shikha will be doing her Post Graduation in Mass Communication. Brinda will be joining her father's family business, sweets and confectionery. Devika will join her fashion studies. Riku will be doing her Masters in Education. And Sana will be doing her Masters in English. This trip was meant to spend a quality time among friends before they get busy in their respective lives.

Sid and Sana walk in the water holding each other's hand. Sid asks," Do you believe in Dèjà vu?" Sana asks," You mean something that one feels to have lived or seen before? No. Why?" Sid says," I felt I have been with you on beaches before, like this. Holding hands. Our hands were entwined and our bodies closer." Sana starts to laugh," You are going too fast. Don't you think? We just met and we are holding hands. That doesn't mean, we have come closer." Sid feeling embarrassed leaves her hand and says," I didn't mean that way." Sana starts to laugh again and says," You are really very sweet. I was joking."

They return back to the Bottle Beach before evening. They all sit around the fire and Sid takes his guitar and plays the music of 'Let it be ' by The Beatles. Sana's eyes grows big with surprise. This was the same guitar strokes that she had heard the previous night. After the song finishes, she asks," Were you playing the guitar last night?" Sid says," Yes. How did you know?" Sana asks,"So you write poetry too. Hmm..talented." Sid smiles and says," You had heard me last night. How? Where were you?" Sana says," I will tell you everything but first a poem please."

After much pressure from his friends and request from Sana, Sid finally says,
"I have seen you before,
Can't remember where.
I have heard your voice too,
I am talking truth, I swear.
May be we were together,
In another lifetime, I can say.
We were so into each other,
There was no space for the air.
You think I am crazy,
Talking things all absurd;
Trust me,I know you,
I don't want you to scare.
There is some connections between us.
I feel it, so do you.
Trust me, Oh beautiful,
I know we were a pair."
Sana understands the words more than anybody. She feels it too, though she doesn't believe in dèjà vu. But she feels a strong connection, a feeling of love. May be this is what one terms as love at first sight. Yes, she is in love with Sid and she knows in her heart, he loves her too.

Hi friends,
Love at first sight. Do they really exist? Let me know about it? Read, like, please vote and comment.
Lot's of 💕💕💕

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