Life after death

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Khushi left Rishi to die? Rishi had truely loved her. I have felt that emotions in him. Whenever I have looked at Sana, I have felt that love Rishi had for his Khushi. I had believed that just like I had some connections with Rishi, Sana too had some connections with Khushi. Was I wrong? My head is spinning now. It has been jammed with many more questions. I really am now questioning my decision to come here. Instead of finding any relief, I am now filled with many more questions.

Maa comes in and it breaks my thought. She puts her hand on head and asks,"Ki khabi raate? Bol?(What will you eat at night? Tell me?)" I say," No. I won't stay that long. I have to return back." Her facial expressions starts to change. Her eyes starts to fill with water and a fear is evident on her face. She starts to shake her head saying," Naa. You won't go. They will catch you again and throw you in the water. They will again take you away. No you won't go." I realise now what big mistake I have done getting myself involved in their lives. I am not Rishi Chatterjee but for her I am now. I have to leave and return back to my world. What Will happen to her then? I cup her face and say,"Sh.. Maa relax please. Maa." She holds me and says," Babu no please don't go again. Don't leave your Maa again." I am in tears by now, "Maa..listen to me first. Listen please.." I make her sit beside me and then say," Tomar chele r anek kaaj.( Your son has lot of work) hmm..My office is far from here. If I stay here, I won't be able to reach office on time. I have taken a flat. Do you want me to lose my job? No na." She shakes her head and says,"But they will throw you in water again. You won't return back." I smile and say,"I know swimming now. Yes. Nothing will happen to me. I will come everyday to visit you. Okay." "Sotti bolchis?(are you telling me the truth?)", she asks looking at me. I have to, as I can't lie to her now. I have to come everyday to visit her. Although not fully satisfied, she accepts my request to allow me to go that day. I hug her before leaving as she keeps crying holding on to me.

I come out to find Baba sitting on the veranda. He looks at me and asks,"Can you come with me now?" I nod my head,"I have to return home. I can go with you now before I leave. Is it someplace far? We can take the car. I can call my driver." "No. No need for car. We will walk.", says he. He gets up and goes towards the old broken door and I follow him. He closes the door from outside and starts walking towards the opposite end from which I had arrived. Turning left, we enter a narrow lane. I keep following him as he keeps taking turns and lanes starts getting narrower. After a walk of nearly ten minutes, we arrive in front of an old two storey house. I have a feeling I have been here before. The house is in poor condition. Nobody can today perhaps tell it's original colour. However life has been breeding here. Apart from people living inside, I can see trees coming out of the walls, pigeons making nests on head of the windows and few rats coming out of holes under the door.

Baba pushes the door and it opens. He looks at me and goes inside. I follow him through a dark alley that leads to a old staircase. There is a dim light on the top of the stairs. Baba starts climbing the stairs and I follow him. The first floor has a narrow veranda with doors on one side and a railing on the other where clothes are hanging. It is in better condition as compared to the outside. Baba stops in front of a door and knocks. "Ke?(Who?)", comes a voice from inside."Ami Kishore.(it's me Kishore. )", replies Baba. The voice comes,"Come inside Kishore." Baba removes his chappal and opening the door goes inside. I remove my shoes and peep inside. Baba signals me to get in.

It is a big room with a huge bed on one side. There is a big desk and few chairs in front of it and there are books everywhere. Yes every where my eyes can see, I find books and papers. There are shelves full of it, desk as well as the bed too has books scattered on them. On the bed sits an old bald man. He is wearing a vest and white trousers. Whatever hair he has on his head are all white. There is a think framed glasses on his eyes and he is holding a thick book in his hand. Baba ask me in a whisper,"Do you know him?" I shake my head but I say,"Gop kaku." What? What did I say? Who is Gop kaku?  I put my hand over my mouth as Baba looks at me in shock. The old man who could be the Gop kaku turns towards Baba saying,"Sit down Kishore. Whom have you brought today with you?"  He looks at me and gets equally shocked. "Kishore eh ki dekhchi ami? (What am I looking at?) Rishi? He looks exactly like Rishi."

LEFT TO BE WITH YOU FOREVER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now