↳ silvia gilbert

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— silvia gilbert

COURTNEY EATON— silvia gilbert

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silvia gilbert


via [general nickname]


shameless us


not specified


art club (former)
art and history museum (current)


march 1, 2000


10 (season one)
11 (season two)
12 (season three)
13 (season four)
14 (season five)
15 (season six)
16 (season seven)
17 (season eight)
18 (season nine)
19 (season ten)
20 (season eleven)






joe gilbert (father)
margot gilbert (mother)
gloria gilbert (grandmother) ✞
amara gallagher [neè gilbert] (sister)
fred gallagher (nephew)

love interests:

alex (ex-fling)
brian (ex-boyfriend)
carl gallagher

portrayed by:

millie bobby brown (seasons 1-8)
courtney eaton (seasons 9-11)


fiona gallagher
lip gallagher
ian gallagher
debbie gallagher
carl gallagher
amara gallagher (neé gilbert)
freddy gallagher
kevin ball
veronica fisher
mandy milkovich
james lewis
payton ortega
logan brown
tami tamietti



first appearance:

Lovestruck—chapter one: bob the builder

last appearance:

Hard Times—chapter fifteen: the answer is yes


❝i have a problem with authority. no can do.❞

❝man up and come talk to me. unless you're too pussy.❞

❝funny. i don't think anyone asked.❞

❝that's because nobody likes you.❞

❝he's the one who peaked in high school.❞

❝i literally have zero friends. what else would i be doing right now?❞

= character is deceased


silvia gilbert was born march 1st, 2000, to her parents joe and margot gilbert. her sister, amara gilbert, was already a few years older than her by the time silvia is born. silvia is ten years old when the show begins.

despite being the younger sister to one of the main characters, silvia has very few scenes. she's made out at first to be a trouble maker in the earlier seasons, as amara reveals she is grounded for graffitiing a cop car, for what it seems to be not the first time. this character trait of hers disappears as she grows, and the only reminder of her old personality is when states to have issues with authority in later seasons.

silvia is very independent and is often described to be out doing her own thing. despite her and amara being close, neither of the sisters really know where the other is most of the time.

silvia and debbie gallagher are extremely close in the earlier seasons, and some even think they may get together once they're older. however, their relationship changes when debbie gets her first boyfriend, and it changes even further when she gets pregnant. the two of them never rekindle their friendship.

during season seven, the gilbert's house burns down, forcing them to relocate into an apartment. after years of being absent, margot, their mother, decides to step up as a parent, and helps them with their new home.

the phase does not last long, after sometime in season eight, margot is described to go MIA again, and she does not reappear since. as time goes on, amara moves out of the apartment, and silvia does too, moving right back in with the gallaghers, their old neighbors, whom they are very close with.

carl gallagher had always been silvia's best friend, but when he gets a girlfriend after silvia realizes her feelings for him, they drift apart. it isn't until the final season that the two finally get together. their moments are brief, but it is clear how much they care for one another.

silvia's last scene is at her sister's wedding, and it's revealed that she may be pregnant. viewers don't know for sure as the show ends, many speculations are made.

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