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amara gilbert

LILY COLLINS—amara gilbert

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amara gallagher (neé gilbert)


mara [general nickname]
mar [by lip]
gigantic bitch [by lip]


shameless (us)




food truck (season one)
ice cream truck (season two)
the alibi (season three - season four)
school of international arts (season five)
caterer driver (season six)
journalist (season seven-8)
editor (season 9-10)
CEO (season eleven)


november 29, 1994


17 [s1 of lovestruck]
18 [s2-3 of lovestruck]
19 [s4 lovestruck]
20 [s5 hard times]
21 [s6 hard times]
22 [s7 hard times]
23 [s8 hard times]
24 [s9 hard times]
25 [s10 hard times]
26 [s11 hard times]






joe gilbert (father)
margot gilbert (mother)
silvia gilbert (sister)
gloria gilbert (grandmother) ✞
freddy gallagher (son)
lip gallagher (husband)

love interests:

kyle halter (previous fling, mentioned only)
james lewis (brief fling)
lip gallagher (husband)

portrayed by:

lily collins


frank gallagher ✞
fiona gallagher
lip gallagher
ian gallagher
debbie gallagher
carl gallagher
liam gallagher
kevin ball
veronica fisher
mandy milkovich
james lewis
payton ortega
logan brown
tami tamietti


karen jackson
sammi slott
chucky slott

first appearance:

lovestruck—s1: chapter one

last appearance:

hard times—s11: chapter fifteen


❝i'm gonna have to ask you to be quiet or you'll wake up with shaven eyebrows❞

❝i love when people include my past trauma into their rants, it's literally so touching❞

❝lip, i will cut your nuts off and wear them as earrings if you don't shut up❞

❝are you about to ask us to stab you to death? because i'll have you know, i won't hesitate to fulfill that wish❞

❝fuck selling joints out of a truck, i'm gonna have to strip down in my underwear for you to pay that shit off.❞

❝for the record, you're sleeping on the floor. we're not sharing a bed. i don't want your stupidity to rub off on me.❞

❝mickey folds his socks. he's the opposite of scary.❞

= character is deceased


amara gilbert was born on november 29, 1994, to margot and joe gilbert. she lived next to the gallagher's her entire life, causing her to become closer to them as she grew older. amara was seven when her younger sister, silvia, was born, and her father took off shortly after.

her mother became an alcoholic a few months later, seemingly coming to understand that joe would not be returning anytime soon. amara was stuck raising silvia from the age of eight, the two sisters were very close due to this. she found herself bonding with the eldest of the gallagher siblings, fiona. the two, despite their distance in age, had a sort of understanding for one another.

amara was never the smartest in her class, however, she was one of the best writers, even from second grade. this is when she began to get closer with the next sibling in the gallagher household, lip. they had most classes together in grade school, leading them to hang out to do homework when school was over.

the two balanced each other out, lip was always top of the class, and he would tutor her, while she would teach him how to write proper sentences. she wasn't necessarily a goodie-two-shoes growing up, but she would often prevent lip from getting in trouble because of her innocent reputation.

amara never technically had a boyfriend in her seventeen years of life so far, but she did have some flings. only one, to be exact. kyle halter had been the guy she lost her virginity to freshman year. she reveals how embarrassed she is-and even says that they did it in the back of a van. lip teases her for this, despite it being revealed later that he was crazy jealous.

lip becomes her boyfriend in season three, though the title does not last long. the two of them break up in season five, and the following few seasons there is an obvious gap between the two former best friends.

the gilbert house burns down some time during season seven, forcing them to relocate, and causing an even bigger drift between the two families. as time goes on, amara lands herself a good job that pays enough for her to support herself.

in season eight, lip and amara talk things through, and become close again. however, they don't start dating again until season nine.

amara finds out she is pregnant in that same season, and in season ten, lip and amara's son freddy gallagher is born. lip starts to focus on building their family, and reveals he has intents to sell the gallagher home. amara is promoted to CEO at her job after working there for three years, and she finds them an apartment in the north side to live in.

amara's one wish in life is to finally move from the south side—and after years of struggle and constant interruption, she manages to do it.

amara and lip get engaged in one of the final chapters, and after years of angst between the two of them, their relationship is finally at peace when their marriage occurs after a three month time jump. everything works out in the end.

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