↳ ivory hickman

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—ivory hickman

ALEXA DEMIE—ivory hickman

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ivory hickman


rory [by bruce]


dc — the batman 2022


not specified


the da


september 9, 1991








unnamed mother ✞
scott hickman (father)

love interests:

chris higgins
bruce wayne

portrayed by:

alexa demie


bruce wayne
selina kyle
naomi black
chris higgins
james gordon


the riddler
carmine falcone ✞

first appearance:

chapter one of uptown girl

last appearance:

epilogue of uptown girl


❝you don't speak for me❞

❝why don't you go fix your tiny problem in the bathroom instead of waving it around like a chew toy and making everyone uncomfortable?❞

❝don't take it personal, he hasn't had his diaper change today❞

❝tell me where he is, or so help me god, i will break through that glass and strangle your weasel ass until you're begging me to stop❞

✞ = character is deceased


ivory hickman is born on september 9th, 1991, to her mother and father. she lives an exquisite life while growing up, her family nearly as wealthy as the wayne's due to her father's role in the detective's office. she is best friends with bruce wayne, the only other superstar child her age, and they remain so for years.

it's never explained what happened to ivory's mother, but it's mentioned that she passed when ivory was still a child. ivory and her father are very close, and when he goes missing, she is determined to do whatever it takes to find him.

she's thrown into a mix with the batman (who is bruce wayne, which she reveals she's known his identity the entire time) and discovers that her father's job isn't as clean as she thought.

ivory is led to believe by falcone that the reason bruce's parents are dead is because of her father, though whether falcone was bluffing or not is never confirmed.

once they find the man behind all of the madness in gotham, he reveals to them that the killings aren't the end of his plans. the city is flooded, and for weeks, perhaps even months, gotham struggles to return back to normal.

ivory grows much closer to bruce throughout this, and there is a clear romance budding between them. they stay together in her penthouse as the city gets rebuilt, and they continue to fight to make gotham okay again. even in their disguises.

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