Chapter One: Raphael Flores

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3 Years Ago

"Welcome to the Riders of Apollo, Runner!" Bear shouts and almost smashes his glass against mine. Whenever a Rider is sworn in, they have to swear an oath of loyalty, take the cut from the Prez and then take a shot of Bear's favourite alcohol. Hence, why I am now taking a shot of whiskey under the intense gaze of the entire MC.

I've only been here for six months, having joined because I had nothing and no one else to turn to. 

My parents kicked me out a few weeks before I turned eighteen with nothing to my name and left me to fend for myself. I tried to move in with my grandparents but they refused as I had (and I quote) 'already tarnished the family name enough'. So, I moved out of New York, away from everything I had ever known to some town just over the bridge, on my own and barely out of high school.

I definitely got caught up in the wrong crowd, drugs and guns were all I knew at this point. Running them across the country, risking life and limb just to make a little bit of cash to keep the shitty roof over my head. The only way I ran into these guys was because I did a run for them, at the hand-off they noticed my abilities and asked if I wanted out, if I wanted to join the brotherhood and, of course, I accepted.

A family was what they are and I had earned my way into it. I got shot four times in protection of the Prez and I would do it over and over again if it meant being part of something bigger than myself. Especially since I now get to do what I love day in day out, playing with weapons and making sure no one steals them - yeah, my dream job.

The only issue I have is the stuck-up computer guy who seems to have had it out for me ever since I got here. I mean he's literally eighteen and he's been hazing me incessantly, I'm older than him by eight years and he treats me like a child. I understand a degree of hazing, it's part of being a prospect but he took it to a whole new level.

I'm wondering whether or not he'll continue his stupid behaviour now that I've been patched or whether it was just part of the induction period. If it isn't then he has a serious character flaw and I'm gonna knock his ass out. "Gracias!" I knock back the shot and avoid contorting my face in disgust, I don't drink whiskey. My drink of choice is either beer, wine or tequila - tequila for when I want to get absolutely wasted.

I can feel the guy staring at me, I flick my eyes over to him and his eyes are sharp. I don't know what crawled up his ass and died but whatever it was made him fucking loathe me with everything in him. His name is Romeo, I think, they said he got his name from being a ladies man but in the six months I've been I haven't seen him with many, at least not properly. 

At this point I'm thinking he does it because he thinks he has to to fit in not because he enjoys it.

"So, let's get you a club whore for tonight... how about that blonde over there? Big tits, fake lips, the whole shebang, what do ya think?" Rubble is already drunk as he leans over to me, pointing at the pretty blonde resting on the fake jukebox and waiting to be chosen by a biker tonight. Everyone else is listening as well, at least those closest to me and I just shake my head with a smile.

"Not my type." I lean back against the bar and look at each of them one their own.

"What is your type then? Brunettes? Skinny." Rubble pushes and I laugh.

"Male." I respond, waiting for the inevitable surprise which leads to disgust which gets me kicked out. That's what happened with my biological family so I wouldn't be surprised if they rip my patch off and kick me out right now. I would just be happy that it would happen before I get too into the group.

"Damn, we can't fix that for ya mate. You're gonna have to find your own, ain't got no club whores with a dick." Rubble consoles which makes me laugh again. He's so wasted.

"Looks like you've got it harder than the rest of us, lad. The women flock to the cut, can't promise the same for the men." Bear claps my shoulder and heads over to his wife, they got married a few months ago and I was the one who had to put together all the flowers. White roses have got some fucking thorns and it ripped my goddamn hands apart. Part of the job I suppose.

I look over at Romeo who seems conflicted with the news so I just wink at him and head back to the bar. "Tequila, por favor." I request and let the cool liquid warm my body swiftly. I decide not to get completely wasted as I want to remember the night but no one else has the same idea, they're all falling over each other and fucking club whores in front of everyone, no one will remember it tomorrow so who really cares?

I head down into the armoury to drool over the weapons that I now get to play with all the time. I can't believe that I landed such a good job with such a good group of people but I suppose I should be thankful that I got kicked out when I did because I wouldn't have found my real family. A family that I would die for and would do the same for me.

I never thought I'd get it.

Mi propio familia... (my own family) I hear the door open so I spin around to catch whoever had decided to stumble here on drunken feet. I hardly spot the scar on his face and the blue of his eyes before his lips are on mine in a bruising kiss.

I can hardly breathe as he steals all my senses and knocks the breath out of me by slamming me into the wall. His hands wander down my chest to latch onto my belt and his tongue massages mine, tasting of alcohol and smelling of weed. I should push him away, he's drunk and most likely hates me but I relish in the feeling of him pressed against me.

He's a little but shorter than me but is made of more muscle, his strength is evident in his touch and the way he brings me closer to him. It's like he wants to fold my body into his, the desperation clear in the way his teeth bite down on my lips and his breaths come out in heavy pants.

I finally find the strength to push him away, I beg my lungs to take in a proper breath but before I can even utter a word he's gone as quickly as he appeared.

What the fuck just happened?

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