Chapter Twelve: Mika Sage

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The flirtatious asshole makes my life so fucking hard, well and another thing really hard but that's not the point. He left about an hour ago and I still haven't been able to calm my raging boner, I growl at myself as my alarm for therapy goes off and I have to haul ass if I want to get there on time.

Both times I've turned up at therapy with a boner and looks like I'm about to do it again. I rock up to Diane's apartment and have a cigarette before heading in, she makes me a coffee and I settle into the couch. I always find it hard to leave since it's always so comfy and I always feel welcome here.

"How has your week been?" She asks first and I smile softly as I think about Raphe. "That's a good sign." She chuckles with excitement, leaning forward in her chair to get closer to me.

"It's been good, I had a hiccup at the start of the week where I really wanted a hit, just a small one but I didn't give in and got rid of my stash."

"That's incredible, Romeo. What do you think triggered the hiccup?" Her voice is soft and tentative as I recall the reasons behind my breakdown.

"I saw the man I love with another guy." I grumble and take a large sip of coffee. To be honest I was expecting her to be more surprised but she just smiles at me like she normally does and continues on with the session. "But now, him and I are kinda back together but kinda not. I promised him that I'd get better first."

"That's why you're so happy?" Her grin inspires mine as I laugh happily.

"Yeah, that's why I'm happy."


As I get back to the clubhouse, I find Raphe sat in the middle of the fucking street opposite a kid who looks starving and scared. I head over with my shoulders hunched and hands tucked into my pockets to look less threatening as I stop behind Raphe. "Romeo, this is Oliver. Oliver, this is Romeo."

I look at Raphe in surprise, he hasn't called me Romeo in private for years so I panic slightly but remember that we are okay now. I crouch down and look Oliver in the eyes and recognise the fear that I had when I was younger. "How old are you, little man?" I ask.

"Eight." His hands are covered in the food that Raphe must have brought for him and I almost run over there and squeeze him in a hug.

"How long have you been out here?" Raphe's voice is shaky and I place my hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him, his body softens and his fists unclench under my touch.

"Dunno." His small shoulders shrug as he brushes the crumbs off his hands by smacking them together. I look at Raphe with worry, what do we do? I mean we could bring him into the clubhouse but it would probably freak him out. Raphe seems to be having the same thoughts before a lightbulb appears over his head as his eyes light up.

"Can you go get Kota?" He asks me and I nod, knowing his dog is causing issues in the lounge right now by hitting people in the ankles with the massive bone that we bought him this morning.

I call for him as soon as I'm through the door and he actually listens for once, thank God. I don't bother with his leash or anything and just lead him over to Raphael, who now has Oliver in his arms. "I'm gonna get in the truck with him and Kota, follow on your bike?"

I nod in agreement and grin on my way to the bike. I know he was gonna show his boy toy his house first but I guess it's gonna be me and that's the way it's meant to be. His house is only a few minutes drive and I watch as Raphe gets the kid out and the dog launches himself out of the open window.

This feels right. Coming home to him and a kid with a fucking dog. Even if we're not together I'm already whipped and domesticated, ain't nothing better than this. "You coming?"

Bad Romeo, no dirty thoughts when he literally has a child in his arms.

I slip off my bike and follow him into the house, immediately relaxing at the feel of the place. It's not fully furnished but it's got soft colours and a warmth that makes me feel welcome immediately. There's a huge couch in the room that is made of cotton and I just wanna sit on it, late into the night with Raphe by my side and some shitty film on the screen that we're not even trying to watch.

"We're gonna have to give you a bath, little man." I suggest, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen as Raphe passes him another bottle of water that he inhales fast enough to choke himself.

"You're lucky you turned up when you did, the bathrooms were out of action before."

"Why?" He's a curious little thing considering the lifestyle he has had so far, by the faded marks and scars on his skin I can only assume that his parents - before they ditched him - did not treat him with care or love. This neglect has gone further than the few months he has been on the street.

He's underdeveloped physically and socially despite his boldness, he's skittish around new people and watches warily before he initiates any kind of communication. It's a good way to live but he's eight years old so shouldn't be so worried all the time, he's supposed to be impulsive and stupid, throwing tantrums over toys that he can't have not begging for food in an alleyway.

I know my upset is showing on my face because Raphe comes over and strokes my face as I try and calm myself down. I can't let someone else experience the shit that I've gone through, foster care and having the only person that's ever cared die on me, starving myself and waiting for death at the hands of some asshole that drinks too much and only got into fostering for the fucking money.

"Mika, it's okay. He's safe now. Come on, Ollie, let's get you cleaned up." They both head up the stairs to the bathroom and I drop onto the couch with Kota, messing about on my phone as I wait for both of them to come back downstairs so that we can discuss what's going to happen next. I mean I can search for his parents and find out everything I need to to put him back into care or I can give him a new life with us.

Raphael and I aren't even together and yet here I am wondering whether him and I can co-parent a traumatised child that will need extra attention. We'd need to put everything aside to properly care for him. I ruffle my hair and lean forward to rest my elbows on my thighs when the doorbell rings.

Who the fuck is that?

Raphe comes down with Ollie sat on his hip and wrapped in a towel and they watch as I head to the door with my hand on my gun, ready to shoot whoever is on the other side of the door. I shouldn't be surprised that the face that greets me on the other side is the guy that came with Raphe to the party the other day.

"Uh hi, I'm here to see Runner. I think I uh have the wrong house." He steps back as he clocks my size, compared to him I could probably be considered a giant. These businessmen types stick to staying relatively slim compared to my body builder size so I back off slightly to not intimidate him.

"Nope, he's right here." I stand to the side and take Ollie from Raphe as he steps into the frame to see the guy.

This is gonna be fun.

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