Chapter 1

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Dipper's POV:

I felt the bus come to a stop and I slowly started to open my eyes.

Mabel was sleeping on my shoulder and I gave her a slight nudge.

"Psst, Mabel!" I whispered, "We're here!"

"hmm?" she responded, rubbing her eyes.

We both looked out the window and saw our parents at the bus stop waving with "Welcome Home!" signs.

"Wow, I can't believe summer happened just like that!" Mabel said as we started getting our things.

"Yeah, I know! But now we can tell Mom and Dad about all the awesome stuff that happened!" I added.

Mabel nodded her head in agreement and the bus driver opened the door.

We ran towards our parents and they greet us with 'welcome home' hugs.

"Mom! Dad! We had sooo much fun at Gravity Falls! Can we go again next summer?! PLEASE!!!" Mabel exclaimed as she jumped up and down.

"Sweetie, calm down! You just got back!" Mom answered as she stopped Mabel from bouncing and gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

Waddles then came out of the bus and waddled over to Mabel. He looked at Mom and Dad with his head tilted like a confused puppy.

"Uhhh, who's this?" Mom asked, pointing at Waddles.

"He's my pet pig!" Mabel answered as she picked him up and gave him a big hug.

Mom gave a nervous chuckle and helped Mabel with her stuff.

I laughed at Mom's reaction when Dad starts heading towards me.

"Hey Champ! I like your new hat!" Dad said as he took it off my head and ruffled my hair, "You need any help with your bags?"

"Nah, I got it covered it Dad. I got a lot stronger during the summer you know?" I answered while I start loading the car.

"Pffft. Dipper? Strong? I don't think those two worlds could ever be used in the same sentence!" Mabel laughed as she put Waddles in the middle seat and gets in.

"Mabel, I literally saved you from a nine year old psychopath and went face-to-face with Bill! And after that you still can't say that I'm at least a little bit stronger?" I asked/laughed while getting in and putting on my seatbelt.

"Bill? Who's Bill?" Mom asks as she gets into the car.

"Oh, it's a looong story." I chuckled.

"Well you can tell us all about it when we get home! For now let's just listen to some tunes!" Dad said as he got into the car and turned on the radio.

I smiled and started tapping my foot to the song.

We started driving home and Mabel stared at me with a confused look.

"What?" I asked with a confused look.

She leaned towards me, behind Waddles, and whispered into my ear a question that leaves me dumbfounded, "Who's Bill?"


After the drive home, we dropped our bags off in our room and met together at the dining room table.

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