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You slowly blinked open your eyes to see that instead of being surrounded by trolls, you were back on the grass infront of the creek. You smiled sweetly and stood up. You yawned and shook your head before smacking your lips. You looked up to see that it was sun rise which caused you to smile. But then you remembered something.

"Jim." You said and took of towards his house. You saw his house in sight as well as his moms car. "Please be okay." You whispered as you quietly landed on the roof. You then walked down quietly and hung your head upside down to see Jim sleeping soundly, you smiled but then sneezed as the dust from the roof shingles went on your nose.

"Mm." Jim moaned as he started to wake up, you shot your head up and flew into the air before he got up. You sighed and flew to the school, you were lucky no students had arrived soon enough. Through out the whole day, you avoided the boys. Jim and Toby tried to get to you but you always disappeared some how.

It may have been a Friday and teens who have nothing better to do would normally be at home doing whatever they waited. But you were there to study for the up coming test. You sighed in relief when the bell went off, telling everyone it was time to head home. You grabbed your bag and headed out. Once you were outside, you saw Steve was yelling at Jim who was up against the lockers and Toby standing a few feet apart from them.

"Duh! Nobody's in the mood to get their face bashed in," Steve yelled as everyone started to crowd. You walked over and caught a glimpse of Claire and her friend Darcie walk behind Toby. "but that's what's gonna happen, unless you want to back down." Steve whispered as you stood with some kids.

"I=I can do that?" Jim asked in fear.

"Sure, you wanna crawl away from me," Steve said as he used his fingers to make them seem like they were walking. "on your knees, bowing in front of everybody?" Steve asked and chuckled and then backed away. "that's a choice." He said, everyone murmured about what Jim would do next. 

Your eyes went wide when Jim dropped his bag and bowed to Steve as if he was a king. The air was filled with everyone's gasps as you gripped your bag strap. "Woah! I didn't expect you to pick wussing over whooping." Steve said and laughed as Jim shifted his gaze over to you. You just looked away from him with guilt.

Everyone gasped and you turned to the two to see Jim was rising up with a determined look. You smiled a bit until Steve  pushed Jim. He then tried to punch Jim who dodged it, this caused you to smile a little but for Steve to growl. "Keep still so I can punch your face!" Steve growled and kept on trying to do so over and over again. Jim used a pole to swing and kept on dodging Steve's punches but got hit in the face.

"No." You said quietly as Jim fell to his knees and looked to his bag. Steve chuckled again as you glared at him, your pupils becoming slits.

"Stay down and live, worm." Steve said as Jim reached for his bag, he then stopped and looked at Steve and got up once again. 

"IS that all you got?" Jim asked, Steve chuckled and slowly walked over to him. You had just enough and ran in between Steve and Jim with your arms spread out.

"Enough!" You yelled, Steve chuckled and pushed you away. His hand hit your burn marks and your yelped as you were pushed. Claire, Toby and Darcie caught you as Jim called your name. You looked at your arm and then at Jim to see Steve had his arm aimed and ready.

"Good thing your mom is a nurse." Steve said, Jim looked at you with worry before glaring at Steve and whispered something. Jim then balled his had and as if everything was in slow motion, upper cutted Steve. Steve then hit the floor with a tooth landing next to him.

"She's a doctor actually." Jim corrected, everyone cheered, you even smiled as Jim looked at you. But it was cut shirt as Claire's hand slipped from your shoulder to your arm. Causing you to yelp and shift out of their grasp.

"You okay Y/n?" Toby asked as you looked at you arm.

"I'm so sorry!" Claire said as you looked at your jacket.

"It's okay, I just got burned a few nights ago." You said, you looked at your arm and hissed a little when you tried to move it.

"How big is it?" Jim asked as the four walked over to you. You looked at the ground. "Y/n." Jim said, you sighed and took off your jacket. In the first chapter I forgot to mention it but it's a leather jacket that fades from white to black like your dragon skin.

"Oh, that looks like it hurts." Darcie said as they saw the burn mark that started from your shoulders to your wrists. Jim sighed.

"Is this why you've been avoiding me and Toby?" Jim asked, you looked at the ground.

"Some what." You said, Jim opened his mouth to ask more but Claire interrupted him.

"We should get you to a hospital." Claire said. They hurried you to a hospital and Jim's mom was checking out your burns. Jim was standing in the room to help his mom.

"Woah, it's almost like a dragon burned you." She said as she wrapped your arms in a bandage. You sighed. "If you want, I can call your parents." She said, you gripped the table. Barbara noticed as she finished. "Or I can drop you off. My shift ends soon." She said.

"I don't have parents." You mumbled, Jim looked at you with surprise.

"Oh, i'm sorry. Do you live with any one?" She asked as you looked at your hands.

"Uh, yeah." You said and started to tap the table. "I live with Mr. Strickler."

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