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Sophie's POV

"Hey Soph," says my father's cheerful voice.

I look up at him, then look back down.

"What do you want, dad?" I grumble.

I sense his shock at me speaking. Then he relaxes.

"Fury told me that he'd interview you to see if you're fit to join the Avengers."

I freeze for a moment, then look up at my father.


He nods.

"No more babysitting Loki?"

"Only if Fury thinks you're suitable."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Loki's POV

"He is actually willing to see if I would be suitable as an Avenger?"

"That is what he said, brother."

I smile.

"What about Sophie?" I ask.

"She gets an interview too."

I smile a little wider.

Sophie's POV

It's been a week and the interview is finally here. I put on a black hoodie, like always, and tight jeans.

"You're wearing that, Soph?"

"I figured I should wear my suit. It's fireproof ... the only fireproof things I've got ... besides red, silver, purple, blue and white hoodies."


We're about to leave when Loki hurries over to us. I frown.

"You were not about to leave without me, were you?"


"Oh ... um ... right ... um ... he got an interview with Fury too."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Because I knew you'd be pissed off?"

"It would have been better to have told me sooner because I'm more pissed off now than I would have been if you'd told me before."

He sighs.

"I suppose I'll just have to live with it."

Loki's POV

"Why have you changed your mind about the Avengers?"

"Because, before I died last time, I realised how wrong I have been and now I want to help."

He raises his eyebrow at me.

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Yes, because it is true."

He frowns. I look at him innocently.

"I'll think about it."

I stand up and leave the room.

Sophie's POV

"I want you to show me what you can do."

I look at him nervously.


I sigh, then click my fingers. A fire dances on them. I expand my hand, which expands the fire. I let the fire consume my body.

"You might want to move," I mutter.

He hurries out of the way and I let the fire explode from my body and hit the wall. I see him nodding. I then let water trickle down my fingers and make a puddle on the floor. Then I freeze it, unfreeze it, and bring it back up my legs and absorb it into my hands. I let myself drift off the floor and glide around the room, then land where I was.

"Is that everything? I mean, I know you can raise people from the dead and make people young again, but other than that, is that everything?"

Go on. Tell him the other thing ... the thing about getting into other people's heads, dear.


Why not?

What if he asks me to demonstrate? I don't like doing it unless I have to.

You need to tell him.

I sigh.


"I can also get into people's heads."

"Show me."

"I-I'd rather not. I only do it if I absolutely have to."

"And right now, you do absolutely have to."

I sigh.

"Think of a number between 0 and 96744."

I reach out to his mind.

"You were thinking of the number 33517. Loki was thinking of the number 61921 and dad, you were thinking of the number 62."

"Anyone could do that."

"Oh, really? Alright, guess the number I'm thinking of between 0 and 96744."






I shake my head.

"I was thinking of the number 4184."

"Fine. I believe you."

I smile.

"Why do you want to join the Avengers?"

"Because I want to be able to use my powers to help people."

He nods.

"I'll think about your joining."

I leave the room.

Loki's POV

"I've decided that you may join the Avengers for their next mission as a trial run. From that, I will decide if you can join permanently or not."

I nod.

Sophie's POV

"You may join the Avengers."

I smile.

Tony's POV


"I get to join."

I smile.


"I have to do a trial run and then he will decide."

Sophie smirks.

"We should celebrate. We'll do another of those Avengers parties in a week."

"What? No! I hate parties!"

"Too bad, Soph, because this party is for you."

She groans. I smirk.

"Don't forget to bring a date," I say brightly before being drenched in water.

I chuckle and leave the room.

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