Chapter 5: Clash Of Wills

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Without any hesitation and waiting for the ninth sister to make the first move, Cal immediately went forward and began to try striking her down. She used her lightsaber to block and deflect his attack whenever he made the first strike, following up with using the force to push him back to which the male used his own force awareness to weaken it, only sliding back whenever she used the ability. She then tried jumping up into the sky and stabbing him directly from above, to which he immediately rolled out of the way to avoid the hit and where he rolled he saw that her back was turnt away from him so he began to slash at her armor weakening it and her defenses. She groaned out in pain and immediately turned around throwing an aggressive slash at the jedi, who barely dodged it just in time to avoid getting hit. Meanwhile, Connie was watching this entire thing go down in awe of what was happening. As she was witnessing something that seemed unbelievable in front of her eyes, she immediately realized that she needed to go grab all the gems while they were still trying to reform. Lapis was right next to them so she immediately grabbed hers, and began to run around carrying Steven also noticing she needed to keep her distance from Cal and the ninth sister so she wouldn't get striked down. As ninth sister tried to use more fearsome strikes with her overwhelming power, Cal used force slow to limit her movement which gave him a big advantage for a moment and he was able to get more critical slashes in against her armor, plus it was buying more time for Connie to take her friends and retreat to the temple. Once the sith inquistor had recovered from Cal using his slow ability, she went straight back to using her aggressive lightsaber style against him but thankfully the jedi had good defenses instilled in him whenever he trained with his master who's life was taken away trying to save Cal. Cal was able to reflect and parry the hits aimed at him knocking her back and dealing some more damage which got her even more angry. As Cal was going to go for using force push, she was quicker than him and pushed him back first knocking him back down to the ground. The ninth sister groaned and put a hand on her helmet, feeling it was partially cracked. Cal slowly began to make himself rise to his feet, groaning as he did so. "Not bad for trash!" Ninth sister insults him. "What about for a jedi?" Cal replied as he took a deep breath holding his side as ninth sister scoffed. "Is there a difference?!" She stated before igniting her second lightsaber blade making it double edged and in theory she was much more dangerous now than ever. Cal would have to be even more on his toes of he were to have any chance of surviving against this sith inquistor. She immediately ran forward and shoved Cal back with her shoulder, knocking him on the ground again and once he was on it, she instantly jumped up into the air and tried stabbing him through his chest but he was fast enough to react to the attack and rolled away before getting back up on his feet. Ninth sister proceeds to swing both parts of her lightsaber blade at Cal, to which he parried both until suddenly she thrusted her weapon forward and Cal tried to block it again but to no avail in which he was knocked back on the ground as the lightsaber took the brunt of the hit, saving him from any actual fatal wounds. Cal looked up and witnessed that ninth sister suddenly dashed away to clear a distance between them, which he took the perfect opportunity to take a stim from BD-1. "BD! Stim!" He yells as his droid companion follows the instruction and throws Cal one into his hands, the jedi instantly stabbing himself with it recovering whatever injuries he suffered. Cal proceeded to go for a downward slash against the inquistor, but she blocked and threw him off which leads to the two of them in a clash, seeing which one could overpower the other. It was at this moment, Cal used the momentum she had against him to make her get off balance, falling somewhat forwards before slashing her back. She dashed away from him once more before throwing her lightsaber at him directly, and Cal used his lightsaber to knock it back at her forcing her to catch it in her hands again. Ninth sister began spinning her blade around as Cal dashed forwards at her, trying to chop him up as he got closer but he stopped a couple feet from where she was at, avoiding getting cut up. She even pushed it forward noticing whenever he stopped a few feet away from her still trying to get her killing blows in against the jedi. The two ended up clashing once again into a stalemate,

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