Chapter 10: Courusant forgotten

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Wasting no time at all, Starkiller immediately brought out his lightsaber and began to clash with Darth Phobos, the two getting into a quick stalemate before they jumped back to gain some sort of distance from one another. Starkiller then dashed up to Phobos and used heavy striking hits against the female sith lord who easily deflected and blocked the hits. The two then got into a force battle, trying to push back one another which is when Phobos began to insult and taunt the apprentice of Darth Vader. "You're a pretentious little child!" She exclaimed with a snarl in her voice and smirked which angered Starkiller. The anger he felt however allowed him to overpower her and he pushed her back, before tossing her up and down on the ground. "DON'T PRETEND TO KNOW ME, WITCH!" Starkiller exclaimed as she screamed out in pain, her body hitting harshly against the concrete. Starkiller then threw his lightsaber at the green skinned sith lord, only for her to reflect the weapon back at him in which he ended up catching it in his hands, before casting lightning in the attempt of shocking her body. She however, was still attempting to get into his head and was using her power of being able to disappear instantly to move around quickly, making it harder for Starkiller to land a fatal blow on this fake sith lord. The two clashed sabers against one another, and Starkiller began boasting how he wasn't afraid of who she was. "I am not afraid of you!" He exclaimed, pushing her slightly back as she evily chuckled. "I know you aren't. But there is a face that terrifies you. I can sense him."

She stated before backing away and twirling her lightsaber, using her teleportation and mind tricks to manipulate his head as he heard multiple random voices, and he didn't know how to respond. This left him open and vulnerable for critical strikes that she could easily land and kill him without a second thought in her mind. Now trying to figure out where she was hiding using his force awareness, Starkiller began to use abilities like force push and force lightning to draw her back out into tune open since she was relying on underhanded tactics to squeeze out a victory knowing that the male's force strength was definitely formidable. Soon, he then ended up getting his own lucky strike in which made her groan out in pain as she felt his force powers hit against her body and knocked her back harshly, forcing her to reignite her lightsaber as she hid it to obviously better conceal her presence from him. Taking no chances, Starkiller rushed and clashed his saber against her own before yelling at her again. "YOU ARE NOT REAL, THIS IS ALL A LIE!!!!" Starkiller pressed his lightsaber up harder against her own as she got enjoyment out of hearing him become aggravated and annoyed with her. "Heh. Stupid boy. Your entire life is nothing but a lie!" Starkiller growled hearing those words, and before he had gotten the chance to knock her back she moved herself away and cleared the distance between the two of them, twirling her lightsaber behind her back. "What are you?! Why are you here?!" Starkiller exclaimed before throwing broken up rocks and debris her way, before she used her teleportation to exit herself out of the way of his attack. "Even sith have nightmares. I am the face that they see!"

She boldly exclaimed trying to slice starkiller down, but the apprentice backflips out of the attacks range. She then tries to crush him with the giant near by broken down bookcases and benches that were nearby in the area, but using force repulse, he reflected them back which caused her to cover herself up in defense. Now that she was distracted, Starkiller began to cast lighting at the female sith lord as she groaned out, feeling herself becoming extremely weak with all the power that the apprentice was pouring out into his force ability. She fell down to one knee, breathing heavily as steam was leaving her body from the heat of the lighting. She slowly began to stand up, but as soon as she was on her feet, Starkiller pushed her through a bunch of bookcases that were still standing but now had gaping holes inside of them as her body was thrown into them. She hit her back against a giant boulder, then suddenly disappeared up to the top floor. Starkiller rushed towards the center of the room, looking around for her but didn't see any trace bits of her. Suddenly, he heard something coming towards him before looking up to see the sith lord's double edged lightsaber thrown to try and behead him. He ducked down, avoiding it as Phobos brought it back her way and gripped it tightly in her hands, jumping down from the second floor as Starkiller jumped up to meet her and pushed her back once more into the rubble and debris, making her land on top of some of it. Jumping forwards, she twirled her lightsaber going for a critical strike but the apprentice easily countered her and easily was striking down her lightsaber, eventually knocking it out of her hands. Force gripping her, he throws her around, making her body hit the ledges of the second floor before getting her body to hit the roof by throwing her up and slamming her down as a finish. He then slowly walked closer towards her limp body. She had no more strength to fight back, she was completely powerless and began to slowly shape shift into Starkiller's pilot, Juno Eclipse.
The fake blonde haired female looked back at him and she had a saddening look on her face. "Please...Don't." She begged, but without any hesitation, Starkiller struck the sith lord down who change back into Darth Phobos.

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