Chapter 3- Stop!

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{Aliyah's Pov}

I ran towards Michi eventually catching up to her. We were in this dark alley and I saw the wolf along with a few other Beastmen. I pulled Michi so we would be hidden, yet still be able to witness everything. I didn't want her to be hurt

{3rd person's POV}

The Wolf Beastman stood there in front of two Beastmen, a lion and a buck, both holding semi-automatic weapons.

"Huh, how did you find us." Said one of the terrorists

"You smell like human. Thant scent is difficult to get off. Are you doing this for the humans!" The wolf responded somewhat enraged

"Money is money, it doesn't matter who it is coming from." Replied one of the duo. Right then they began to fire their guns. Michuru and Aliyah were covered in their spot while the wolf nimbly dodges.

"You don't deserve to be taken down by my claws. No, instead you'll get my bare hands!" Yelled the wolf. He then began to pummel the terrorists.

Within minutes the terrorists were in the ground, yet the wolf was finished

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Within minutes the terrorists were in the ground, yet the wolf was finished. That's when the emerged.

{Aliyah's Pov}
This isn't right. Yes the deserve it but it must stop. I looked over at Michiru and knew she was think the same thing. What I didn't know was that she was going to run out there. I swear she is going to get herself killed one day. I ran after her, so now we were standing side by side, tail to tail.

"Stop!" We yelled in sync. "This isn't right! Isn't Anima city supposed to be a safe haven!? A place for Beastmen to live in peace! So stop hurting each other, please!" We continued.

As we were yelling, an energy surrounded us, Michiru's was blue while mine was a shade of red that matched my tail. Our tails also began to grow. That's when the energy was dispersed.

 After are initial shock Michiru began to defend humanity

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After are initial shock Michiru began to defend humanity.

"Not all humans are that bad!" Michiru protested

"What would you know?" He said curtly

"We know-" Michi then looked back and grabbed my hand, "We know because we were human." I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Impossible. You both smell and look like Beastmen." He said

"I'll prove it too you." Said Michi. She then looked frantically for her wallet when she then realized it was stolen. What would she do without me, probably starve or loose her head. Whichever comes first. I thought as I sweat drop. It was too late anyway he had already left. I turned to Michi and said, "It's fine, why don't we get some food then look for your wallet?"

She then gaped at me saying, "you had your wallet the whole time!"

At that time a began walking ahead of he. I stop and looked back only to respond with a cheerful, yep. I then continued. Behind me I heard a 'wait up' from Michi and her footsteps. I smiled as I thought, Anima-city is going to be so much fun!

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