Chapter 10 [edited]

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All the video's and pictures I post are not mine exept the cover!😄
Yoona pov
   The first thing that came in my mind is Omo there is so many people surrounding us but after a while I didn't care anymore.

   After I broke the kiss he wiped my tears and took my hand then we started walking away from the crowd.
Me:" Luhan where are we going?"
Luhan:" Somewhere."

When we got there and he opened the door I looked out it was outside.(on top of the school roof.)
Me:" Why here?"
Luhan:" Because I can feel the breeze here."
Me:" So why did you bring me here?"
Luhan:" let's go on a date today."
Me:" where and what time?"
Luhan:" At "Daboki House" 4:48 a.m!"
Me:" okay but why not like at a fancy place?"
Luhan:" Because it taste better!"
Me:" Areseo, areseo."
Luhan:" Jinja! Yes woo hoo!" He said then he rushed inside skipping.
Luhan's pov
   When Yoona said okay I jumped up and rushed inside while skipping.
Xiumin:" Yah Luhan ssi why are you so happy?"
Me:" Nothing."
Baekhyun:" Oh I know because him and Yoona are probably going on a date at the "Daboki House"."
Me:" Yah you pabo how do you know?"
Baekhyun:" Maybe because I might of eavesdropping on you and Yoona."
Me:" Yah yo-"
Taeyeon:" Aisshh Luhan stop yelling at him!"

   I turned around and saw Taeyeon with Yoona.
Me:" Yoona ah why are you with that evil brat!?"
Yoona:" What evil brat?" She asked confused.
Me:" Taeyeon that girl right next to you."
Yoona:" Oh her no she is not an evil brat she is a angel."
Taeyeon:" Yeah Luhan did you hear that from your own girlfriend she said I was a angel!"
Luhan:" Yoona don't trust my sister she is evil."

Yoona gave me a " Are you crazy look".
**--in class--**
Yoona's pov
When we were in class Mr.Wu said,
Mr.Wu:" Class we have a new student!" I looked up and saw Taeyeon.
Mr.Wu:" okay so why don't you introduce yourself."
Taeyeon:" Hi my name is Taeyeon and I never wanted to go to a real school until now." She said and smiled.

Then she walked to a empty seat next to Baekhyun and sat she smiled at me and I smiled back finally I was not the only girl in the class!
Sorry for the short update I promise I will try to make the next chapter long!

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