Chapter 21

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Yoona's pov
Today after school we are going to the Smtown building again.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah...

I grabbed my stuff quickly and rushed out before every one.
**--2 hours later--**
I was already at the Smtown building but none of them were there yet I guess there all just late.

So I went to the dance practice room and danced by myself because I was really frustrated right now.

I danced to GROWL and some American songs like I Don't Mind by Usher.

I was dancing until someone opened the door. I saw everyone laughing except Chanyeol.

Me:" Where have you guys been I've been waiting for you guys for two hours now?"

Luhan:" Oh I thought Jessica texted you."

Jessica:" Oh wait I think I forgot to press the send button."

Me:" Oh that's okay you guys can dance I'll be going home now."

Chanyeol:" Can I join you Yoona because me and Jessica always dance in the morning so I know every step?"

Me:" Okay I guess..."

As me and Chanyeol walked away I felt a tear but I quickly wiped it away.
I sat on the bench outside and I slowly started crying. I felt Chanyeol sit next to me he moved my head and set it on his shoulder.

Me:" Thanks Chanyeol for being like a brother to me." I said hugging him.

Chanyeol:" No problem I just don't want to see you or Luhan hurt..."

Sorry I'm going to skip to the concert okay.:)

No ones pov

So the night of the concert they practiced and practiced.

The first song was My Lady which was only the boys.

Then it went:
• The star(boys)
• Xoxo(girls and boys)
• Gee gee(girls)
• Kissing you(girls)
• Genie(girls and boys)
• Black Pearl(boys)
• Two Moons(boys)
• Miracles in December(D.O, Chen, and Lay)
• Time Machine(girls)
• All my love is for you(girls)
• Dancing Queen(girls and boys)
• Peter pan(boys)
• Machine(boys)
• GROWLS(girls and boys Ultimate song)
• My oh My(girls)
• Oh(girls)
• I Got A Boy(girls and boys Ultimate Song)

And at the end it was a couple walk I was waiting for Luhan he was late so I just walked by myself. When I was half way there already he came running to me. He tried to hold my hand but I pulled it away.

When we reached the other side I quickly got off stage and went to change my cloths into my tights and my black t-shirt.

I was rushing out until Tiffany called my name.

Tiffany:" Yoona where are you going we are all going to have a party."

Me:" *sigh* no thanks my omma just got back and I have to help her do stuff..." I said looking at Chanyeol.

I turned around and closed the door. I cried and sobbed while walked home. I feel bad for falling in love with Luhan and then just buried him in my past.
Luhans pov
We were all having fun until I noticed Chanyeols sad face.
Me:" Yah Chanyeolie what's wrong?"

Baekhyun:" Yeah what's wrong second baby?"

Chanyeol:" This is the problem..." He said handing me a mint blue envelope.

I opened it and inside was a light pink paper it read:

" Dear, Luhan you are probably reading this while I'm on my way to the airport...bian for not telling you that I am leaving and going to the U.S. I hope you are going to be happy without won't miss me at all will you? Your probably not so it's going to be all right then. Please try to forget about me now I already made a promise with Jessica that I would forget about you.....and please don't get mad at the person who gives you this paper I probably told them to give it to you when I leave...but the question I keep thinking of is are you going to be okay without me? You probably will......I know you like Jessica so I don't even know why I'm writing this note to you lets just say that I only wrote this to let you know that I am gone and in the U.S so don't go ask my mom, and yes she will not be going with me because she can't speak English that well. Please I beg you with all my heart forgive me for liking you, loving you, and taking care of you. Forgive me for giving up on you Xiao Luhan..." - Sincerely, Im Yoona

As I read that my tears hit the paper and slowly spread on the ink.

I got up and ran, I heard someone follow me I look back and saw all of them except Jessica.

Taeyeon:" What's wrong Luhan did something happen to Yoona?"

This chapter was so sad I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!:)

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