Chapter 22

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Luhans pov
Taeyeon:" What's wrong Luhan did something happen to Yoona?"

Me:" I can't talk right now I have to get to the airport!"

I got in the car and drove as fast as I could.
When we got to the airport I ran up all the stairs and escalators and finally I spotted a girl with brown long hair.

Me:" YOONA!!!" As I said that she turned around and yes it was Yoona.

I ran to her and she turned away but I came fast enough to catch her hand.

Me:" Yoona how could you tell me that your going to the U.S by just giving me a note huh!?"

Yoona:" How else could I tell you I didn't want to cry in front of you again...please leave me alone I promised Jessica that I would forget about you already."

Me:" I don't care about Jessica...I care about you Yoona and I already told you like a thousand times that when I say I love you to someone else I don't mean it like the way I love you."

Yoona:" Bian but I have to go i already transferred their..."

Me:" Okay I'll let you go...if you promise with all your heart that you won't find someone else to love but me?"

Yoona:" Fine same with you too...okay?"

Me:" Okay..." I said and kissed her slowly and passionately.
Yoona's pov
Minwa:" Yoona ah!"

I turned away and saw Minwa running towards me.

Me:" Yeah?"

Minwa:" How could you leave without me telling me???"

Me:" Bian...I left you because I thought you liked Jessica better...and I thought that we were slowly drifting away from each other because you always say that Jessica is your best friend..."

Minwa:" She is my best friend but your not...your like my sister..."

Me:" Thanks for not giving up on me..." I said and hugged her tightly.

I heard people calling my name I looked and saw a whole group of people. The first one I spot was Taeyeon she came and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath.

Taeyeon:" How could you leave me behind with all these people!?"

Me:" Bian..."

I got out of her hug and saw Chanyeol.

Me:" Thanks for being with me when no one else was." I said and hugged Chanyeol really tight and he did the same to me.

Chanyeol:" No problem your just like a sister to me." He said and I smiled at that.

After I talked to all of them I turned and hugged Luhan really tight again.

Me:" Saranghae Luhan..."

Luhan:" Saranghae..."

I just hugged him for a couple minutes and then I heard the lady on the speaker say.

Lady:" The flight for California will leave in 15 minutes."

Me:" I have to go soon Luhan..."

Luhan:" I know..." He said kissing me.

But this time his kiss felt different it felt more loving then usual.

After that I hugged everyone and then I noticed more boys at the back of the Exo members it was Got7 and INFINITE.

Me:" J.r and Woo-hyung!" I said and hugged them which I think made them suprised.

After that I hugged the rest of them and I also I saw two people at the back which were not a part of the group.

It was Jessica and Nichkhun.

Me:" Jessica Nichkhun!" I said and hugged Nichkhun.

Jessica just stood there looking guilty.

Me:" Hug me too Jessica." I said and hugged her.

Jessica:" I don't get it after all I done to you why do you still smile and hug me?"

Me:" It's called forgiving people." I said and let go of her.

Lady:" The flight to California will be leaving in 8 minutes now.

I said good bye to all of them and lastly I hugged Luhan again and kissed him again.

As I walked to the plane I felt a tear roll down my cheek and then soon after that my face was flooded with tears.

And as I sat on the plane I listened to Miracles In December and it made me cry thinking about all the up and downs me and Luhan had.

I thought about how it would've been if Luhan didn't know I was going to America. I would've hated myself if he hadn't come.

And then I cried myself to sleep.
As I woke up I heard the lady on the speaker say.

Lady:" Hello passengers we are now here in California!"

Yes I'm finally in California now!

As I got out of the airport I smelled the fresh air of California.

Now I'll start my new life in California.


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