Chapter 15

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Yoona's pov
When the show was done I went to the dressing room but I only found my tights and shoes I couldn't find my shirt! So I went to ask the lady.
Me:" Umm do you know where my shirt is?"
Lady:" Oh was it the on in dressing room 2003?"
Me:" Yeah."
Lady:" Oh that shirt we accidentally threw it away we thought it was someone else's shirt."
Me:" Oh..."

Gosh that lady doesn't she know not to throw things away when you don't know who's it is!
Me:" Luhan where are we going after the girls are done changing?"
Luhan:" Oh we are all going on a walk and going to the park...waeyo?"
Me:" I'm not going with you guys."
Luhan:" Waeyo!?"
Me:" They threw my white shirt away!"
Luhan:" Oh I think I have an extra shirt but you can tie it with your hair tie because it's going to be big on you."
Me:" is it clean?"
Luhan:" Yeah." He said as he handed me a black shirt.

I looked at it and have him the "are you crazy stare" because it said Exo in the front and at the back it says Wolf 88.
Luhan:" What?"
Me:" Are you serious a Exo shirt?"
Luhan:" Yeah unless you want to walk outside naked?"
Me:" Fine."

I walked to the dressing room 2003 and changed into my tights, Exo shirt, and my converse.

After that I got out and walked to the relaxing room and sat on the couch and looked on Facebook because I didn't know where Luhan they were.

But then the door opened and I saw Luhan.
Luhan:" Yah hurry up or were going to leave you!"
Me:" Oh that's fine I can walk home by myself if you don't want me to go."
Luhan:" Ani! I was just kidding come on let's go!" He said dragging me with him.
When we got outside everyone was staring at us.
Sehun:" I see you like EXO now!"
Me:" Well I do kind of now..."
Chanyeol:" Oh really! Then what do you like about me!?"
Me:" I like your dimples they make you look so cute!" I said which made him blush.
Luhan:" Na-uhh I look cuter than him!"
Me:" Yah! Luhan stop being all about yourself be about them too."
Kai:" What do you like about me?"
Me:" I like your abs!"
Kai:" You look at my pictures?"
Me:" I have to admit I do." I said smiling.
Luhan:" Yah! Why don't you look at my pictures I have abs!" He was about to lift up his shirt but I stopped him.
Taeyeon:" Aisshh Luhan stop being such a brat and let's go!"
**--at the park--**
When we got there I sat in the bench and went on my phone.(A/N: #WIFIIS4LIFE)
Luhan:" Hey Yoona why don't you want to go and play with us?" He whined sitting next to me.
Me:" I'm cold, hungry, and tired so how am I supposed to play with you?"
Luhan:" Oh I know we all can go eat out!"
Me:" We are not going to " The Daboki House" again are we!?" I said with a angry and serious face.
Luhan:" Aniya I don't think we should ever go there again."
Me:" are you going to tell the others?"
Luhan:" Yeah...HEY GUYS DO YOU WANT TO EAT OUT!?" He said standing up.
All:" NE!"
**--at a tent restaurant--**
Cashier:" So who is going to be paying?"
We all looked at Suho and he said,
Suho:" Me..." (A/N: If course the Omma has to pay!)

When we got to the table I sat in the middle of Luhan and Taeyeon.
Suho:" So what do you guys want to eat?"
All:" SUSHI!"
Sehun:" And some Soju!"
Suho:" Okay can we have waiter?"
After we ordered all of us ate.

And after that the guys drinker. Then I got a call from my Omma.
Me:" Ne Omma?"
Omma:" Oh Yoona I'm not going to be home so when you go home take care of the house and I'm not coming back until next Friday."
Me:" Ne."
I looked at Luhan he looked like he was really drunk. He looked the most drunked he had so many bottles of Soju in front of him.
Me:" Yah! Luhan stop drinking so much or you can't drive home!"
Luhan:" Sshh Yoona I'm talking to my members." He said sounding very drunk.
I just rolled my eyes at. I looked at the other members they all had one bottle only in front of them except Luhan.
**--20 minutes later--**
When we all got up I noticed Luhan still sitting there his head was down.
Me:" Yah Luhan get up!"
Luhan:" Eh bwo...I don't understand what you are saying."
Taeyeon:" Yoona ssi why don't you take Luhan to your house since your mom isn't home and me and Minwa are going to sleep on his bed?"
Me:" Okay."
When they all left I put Luhans arm behind my neck and I put my left arm behind his back so he won't fall.
**--at my house--**
When I got out of the car I opened his door and helped him out. But when we were half way there he leaned on me really hard and I fell and he fell on top of me which made me scrape my ankle.

I tried to push him of but I accidentally pushed his stomach and h-he puked on me.

I was so mad but I had to take care of him so I lift him up again and unlocked the door first I went to my room and I wiped the little puke on him.

I felt his forehead it was burning hot so I went to the kitchen and grabbed the ice package in the freezer and went back upstairs and carefully put it on his forehead.

And lastly I went to take a shower for a long period. And then when I was done I changed and did my hair.

I was about to go sleep until I saw Luhan in the middle of the bed so I decided to sleep on the couch.
**--the next morning--**
I woke up and I was about to go check on Luhan but when I stood up I felt a sharp pain on my ankle I looked at it and remembered that I fell last night so I had to limp to the bedroom and peeked in he was still sleeping so I grabbed my cloths and went to Change in the bathroom.

After I was done changing I went to my room and put my cloths in the basket quietly so Luhan would not wake up. Then I went downstairs to cook.
Luhans pov
When I woke up I was not in my bed I looked around and realized I was in Yoona's room.

I walked downstairs and saw Yoona cooking she was facing the other way so I decided go hug her from behind.
Me:" Good morning Yebo!"
She pulled my hands away and limped to the refrigerator. I wonder why she was limping.
Me:" Thanks for taking care of me last night!" I said and smiled.
But still no answer.
Me:" Why are you so mad did I do something wrong?" I said trying to sound innocent since I knew I did something wrong.
Me:" Just please tell me what's wrong.
Yoona:" I don't want to talk about it okay!"
This is the first time I saw her this aggressive.
Me:" Please!" I whined.
Yoona:" YOU MADE ME FALL AND SCRAPE MY ANKLE AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT YOU PUKED ON ME!" She said stabbing the cutting board which made it crack.
Me:" Mianhe yebo..." I said trying not to sound angry at myself.
Yoona:" I told you not to take to many drinks but you didn't listen to me..." She said looking away.
I walked to the other side where she was looking and I saw that she was crying.
Me:" Waeyo Yoona, why the crying?"
Yoona:" Is this how it's going to be when we're married always fighting!?" She said covering her face." If it's always going to be like this then I think we should break up."
Me:" No Yoona it's never going to be like this again and never ever say those words to me again." I said removing her hands and wiping her tears.

I hugged her really tight I never want to hear the word " we should break up" again from her. She will always be mine no matter what.
Thanks for reading and I posted the picture at the very last moment because it goes along with my story and credit to whoever made that picture it's so cute!:)

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