Chapter 14

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Yoona's pov
When I woke up it was 6:05 a.m.

I went to take a shower, then I did my makeup only a little bit today i don't know why and I straighten my hair.

After that I put my uniform on and my shoes and walked to my kitchen. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat in the diner. I looked on my phone and went on Facebook and while I was scrolling down Facebook I saw a picture of me and Luhan kissing I knew this was going to happen but it I can't really keep calm so decided to call Luhan.
Luhan: Oh Yoona why are you calling?"
Me:" Luhan there is a picture of you and me kissing and I can't keep calm!"
Luhan:" Yoona calm down I have an appointment with Kpop Scandals after school so we can confirm that we are dating."
Me:" But Luhan oppa how am I going "to survive on TV I mean I don't ever want to be famous ever!!!"
Luhan:" Yoona please calm down just always remember I will always love you and no one can ever change that."
Me:" Okay..." I said looking at the clock it was 7:24 a.m so i hung up and grabbed my bag and started walking to school since school starts at 7:40 and it takes me 14 minutes to get there.
**--at school--**
I walked in class and set up my desk finally I was done and the bell rung.

Mr.Wu:" Okay sorry class but today we are going to do a normal day of work and good news for you new ladies you get to stay except some..." He said with a fake smile.

After he said all the names of the girls who are not going to stay I looked around there was only 5 of us girls me, Minwa:), Taeyeon, Jessica, and Soehyun.

I'm starting to get closer to Seohyun but not really Jessica. And of course I'm already close to Minwa and now me and Taeyeon are like sisters so her Minwa and me are like sisters (Minwa is close to Taeyeon too!).

I don't know what it is but Jessica always seems like she hates me and she always smiles at Luhan but Luhan doesn't smile back.:)

And she flirts with Luhan a lot but he ignores her.:)(A/N: Good job Luhan!)

**-- after class--**
I was about to close my locker until I heard someone say, " Yoona!" They sounded like they were out of breath so I turned around and saw Luhan panting.
Me:" Hey!" I said smiling.
Luhan:" you remember what we are going to do after school?"
Me:" The TV thing?"
Luhan:" Yeah."
Me:" yeah what about it?"
Luhan:" it starts at 5:29 p.m and I'll pick you up at 4:09 p.m."
Me:" Wait wh-" I was cut off by Luhan.
Luhan:" Oh and where a blue dress I'll wear black because that is Exo's color."
He smiled and left.

Then I closed my locker and went home.
**--at home--**
I went up stairs and searched in my closet for a blue dress but I couldn't find any. But then I got a call from Luhan.
Me:" Yebo I can't find a blue dress!!!" I said freaking out.
Luhan:" I knew that would happen so I bought you one it's in the dressing room at Kpop Scandals Place."
Me:" Okay..."
Luhan:" bye!"
Me:" Bye!"
~end of call~
While I was waiting for Luhan to come pick me up I did my makeup using a little more than usual and I wore black converse, black tight and, and a white t-shirt.

Then I just tied my hair.
**--2 hours later--**
After 2 hours of watching Exo showtime I finally heard the door bell ring so I walked to the door and opened the door and saw Luhan.

He was wearing a black suit with a dressing pants and his hair was messy which made him look cute.
Luhan:" Are you ready?"
Me:" Yeah..." I said putting my phone in my pocket.
Luhan:" Oh yeah it's not going to be only us my members are going to be there too and Minwa."
Me:" How come Minwa didn't tell me that she was going too?"
Luhan:" Because she doesn't know that!" He said and smiled.
Me:" Then how is she going to get there?"
Luhan:" Well me and my members are all getting interviewed so she needs to go too because they are dating!"
Me:" Who is she dating!?"
Luhan:" Bwo you don't know!?"
Me:" NO!!!"
Luhan:" She is dating Kris..."
Me:" Why didn't she tell me!?"
Luhan:" I don't know ask her when we get there."
Me:" Okay..."
**--at Kpop Scandals--**
As I was looking for Minwa I saw a lady.

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