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Since the start of the campaign, we wanted to create a community where everyone could have fun and we're slowly starting to achieve this goal.

Through the contest, we came across some wonderful stories and couldn't help but save them to our personal library to read. Whether you're participating or not, we urge you to check our reading lists and give those stories a try.

You won't be disappointed!

We didn't want to stop at contests and thought of creating clubs where everyone could participate, promote their stories and showcase their talents.

Clubs are places where we will host contests, give out weekly prompts, feature writers and do a lot more fun stuff throughout the year.

You don't have to wait for awards season anymore!

We're starting off with three clubs:

1. Asian's Poetry Club:
• Contests — every other week

• Prompts — weekly prompts to help with mind blocks and just for fun

• Haiku — contests specifically for Haiku poems

Winner's will be featured in the book permanently.

2. Asian's Graphics Club:
• Contests — weekly

• Graphics request — anyone can request for graphics

• Prompts — the more you practice, the better your graphics will be

• Tutorials — how to: graphics

Winner's will be featured in the book permanently.

3. Asian's Writing Club:
• Contests — every other week

• Prompts — to help with writer's block

• Reading requests & critique

This is just an overview of some of the things we have planned. You can find details in the respective club's book on our profile.

We are looking for judges for our writing and poetry club so please visit the Join page in those books to find how to join.

As for the graphics club, our graphic designers will be taking in requests for graphics.

A lot of people were wondering why we didn't include poetry in The Asian Awards and it's because we were saving poetry for this so please head over to Poetry Club.

If you have any suggestions please drop them here.

Psst, would you be interested in joining #ProjectAsia's discord server?

#PROJECTASIA: ABOUTWhere stories live. Discover now