Chapter 24

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They had finally arrived, Gulf got down and stretched his legs and body. The breeze here was cooler and less humid than in the city. This had been a good idea. He walked over to see the view, the place was full of trails that went what seemed like a million ways, some harder than others, some ending in a cliff valley view.

"So are we going to pretend like we're all in shape like Bright, or are we going to be reasonable and stick to a easy trail?" Saint asked while stretching his legs.

Bright shoved him "Don't be such a baby Saint, let's go for the top cliff!" He wiggled his brows at his glare.

"Yes let's do that, that way I can shove you off it once we're there!" He teased back running away when Bright tried to smack him, he hid behind Gulf sticking his tongue out, Bright tried to reach for him but he kept turning while holding Gulf in front, Bright went and hugged around Gulf and grabbed Saint's shirt

"Come here you little punk!" He screamed as they squeezed Gulf between them, Gulf tried to wiggle away but Bright pulled Saint harder making him bump into Gulf making Gulf's lips connect with his neck, Bright audibly inhaled and froze. Gulf took the opportunity to shove him "Would you guys stop acting like your 5!" He yelled once he was free, turned towards where Mild and Boat had just parked, completely unaware that he had left a blushing Bright behind him.

"Are they fighting again?" Mild asked as he helped Boat pull the backpack from the back seat.

"Like always" Gulf said rolling his eyes. "So which trail do you want to take? Should we keep it an easy one?"

"I kinda want to have the picnic at one of the cliff views i hear they are amazing!" Mild said excitedly " we can take the easiest cliff trail they have" he suggested. Gulf also wanted to see the view so he agreed.

They took off after a bit and Gulf noticed Mild looking around "Are you okay? Did you drop something!?"

Mild laughed nervously " No I thought I heard something back there probably my imagination hahaha" he needed to stop being so obvious, if Gulf found out he had invited Mew he would be so dead.

After an hour they took a brief pause.

"Remind me not to let Gulf pick any other activity we do" said a panting Saint, everyone laughed.

Gulf took a gulp of his water closing his eyes enjoying the cool feeling, suddenly he heard a whimper. He pushed the sound aside thinking he had imagined it, he looked back at the group who was energetically teasing a frowning Saint a couple of feet away, and smiled. Then he heard the whimper again.

He turned, the whimper seem to be coming from the bushes behind him. He felt a little anticipation, what if it was a wild animal? The whimper came again. It sounded like the animal was scared. Gulf put his bottle down and got close to the bush, he pushed the shrub aside and suddenly a fluffy dog popped out and ran to his arms. He shocked Gulf so much he fell back on his butt.

The dog licked his face excitedly, probably thankful he had been found. Gulf started to smile at his enthusiasm and then the tickling sensation the little licks brought caused a bubble of giggles to escape him. He realized everything was silent and turned his head to find his group of friends watching him shocked.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Nothing" said Bright pushing the guys so they would stop staring at Gulf. The laughed he had produced a moment ago was probably the most genuine he had done in years, the giggle had reminded all of them of the young happy Gulf.

He got up holding tightly to the dog, who seemed to be really happy with being in Gulfs arms. Gulf petted his little ears earning him more kisses.

"Chopper!! Chopper!!Please bark, do something, anything!!!" Came a frantic voice from the other side of the bushes where he had just found the dog, there was another trail on that side, that was probably the owner of the tiny fluff ball and he sounded distraught.

"We should go across the bushes and return him" said Mild approaching Gulf. Gulf nodded kinda hating the fact that he had to return him.He didn't know why but the dog made him feel comfort, happy.

"So your name is Chopper huh?" He said playing with his ears, the dog licked him in return, he smiled "sounds like your owner is pretty worried let's take you back"

They walked back a couple of feet where they had seen the trails crossed and started to walk towards the area they had been a moment ago.
Gulf leading with Chopper in his arms while the group trailed a bit behind

"Chopper! Buddy please!" Came the frantic voice, this time Gulf felt a hint of recognition as he approached it, where had he heard that voice.  He finally encountered the person who had been calling out to Chopper crouched down by a bush.

"Excuse me?" Gulf said at the sound of his voice Chopper barked as well, the person turned and their eyes connected and Gulf felt like he had been rooted to the ground. "Suppasit ..."

Mew felt like he had been hit by lightning, there he was standing in front of him holding on to Chopper, Chopper who looked happy to be in his arms , the same Chopper who didn't allow anyone who he didn't know to touch him without trying to bite a finger off. "Kanawut.."

"Oh you found him!" Came Zee's voice who was walking down from up the hill where he had run to see if Chopper had run ahead. As if the spell was broken, Gulf broke eye contact with Mew and turned to face Zee. "Is he yours? " he asked

"Nope, he belongs to Suppasit , but I'm surprised you still have all 10 fingers, Chopper is not kind to strangers" he chuckled. As if on cue Chopper placed his tiny paws on Gulf's chest and began licking away, causing Gulf to giggle again from the tickles.

Mew felt like he would self combust at any moment. His eyes widened in shock at Chopper but his heart was hammering in his rib cage at the sight of a giggling Gulf, he looked so happy.

Zee watched Mew and realized he had not said a word he was just watching Gulf who was too entrained with Chopper to realize the effect he had on the detective.

"Oh Mew!" Came Mild's voice from behind Gulf slapping some sense into Mew he blinked rapidly and looked at the group who was now standing beside Gulf.

"Hi guys" He said and wanted to kick himself about how pathetic he had sounded,he looked at Saint who glanced at him then looked away, yup still hates me, he thought then he caught sight of the other guy who had been holding onto Gulf at the restaurant. He could feel daggers coming from his eyes. Mild noticed the tension and quickly interrupted " so who's dog is this?!" He asked Gulf.

"Mine" said Mew walking towards Gulf who visibly tensed, he's gonna have to get used to it at some point or another so let's not treat him like he'll break. "Thank you for finding him by the way, I was really scared, we put him down for a moment to pee and then he was gone in a flash"

Gulf nodded "found him in the bushes on the other side, guess he got scared and hid there, I'm glad his okay" he replied in a cold distant voice. Gulf stretched his arms trying to hand Chopper over but he began to whimper

Mew's eyes widened, was his dog trying to stick to Gulf? He was going to get him the biggest fucking dog bone ever, he reached for him anyway and Chopper growled in response. Gulf
immediately pulled Chopper back into his embrace , almost as if he wanted to protect him. Mew smiled at the sight.

"Well it looks like someone is quite attached to my friend here" Mild said smiling ear to ear "since we are all here why don't you guys join us?"

Gulf and Mew both looked at him and then back at each other. Zee approached Mew and threw his arm around his shoulder , while keeping his eyes on Saint " We would love to" he said.

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