Chapter 68

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The end of the week was fast approaching, it had gone by smoothy, probably cause Gulf hadn't bothered to deal with his intern, he knew he was wrong for it but he had passed the task slightly to Mild, because one they were working on the serial killer case and it needed to remain confidential, and two the guy really made him uncomfortable, he didn't know exactly why he felt it so much with him but he couldn't shake off the weird feeling no matter how hard he had tried.

He looked at the notes he had made. They were going to go to the victim's homes, well at least the last 3 who were the most recent. The other places had already been emptied by their loved ones and they no longer wanted to be reminded of the harsh reality their daughters were gone.

He grabbed his camera inserting a new memory card and made sure his notes and the prints he had done of the things he thought were weird about the victims were in his bag.

"Are you ready to go?" Mild said walking in with the intern in toll. The guy smiled at him softly. He felt bad about it but he had no choice at the moment. "Yes, Mew should be here any moment to go"

"Am I able to come with?" Tul asked a hopeful look in his eyes, Gulf felt his guilt deepen.

"I'm sorry Tul, you can't join us for this. This case is a little sensitive so we are trying to keep the amount of people who have information about it to a minimum I really hope you understand." Gulf said giving him an apologetic look, Tul smiled sadly and nodded in response "I promise if we get anything different, other than this case you can come with, okay?" his eyes lit up at that and Gulf smiled at him softly.

He remembered he hadn't packed anything for fingerprints and went quickly to look for some in the cabinet by his desk.

Mild watched as Tul's eyes followed Gulf's every move. Yes there was admiration there but there was something else as well, something that really annoyed Mild. Lust. He could see it clear as day, the way he looked at Gulf like he was about to devour him was obvious, Mild wasn't sure if he just didn't realize he was doing it, he hadn't mentioned it to Gulf because he was already stressing enough with just his presence there, he was sure if he told him the guy looked like he wanted to eat him it would just spike how anxious he already was. He needed to keep him away from him.

As if sensing Mild's eyes Tul turned to him smiling. There it was, he had seen it again. Hostility. It was like a flash of it and then it was gone just as quickly as it came. There was something really weird about this guy, Mild couldn't put his finger on it but he wasn't just going to sit around and allow for some stranger to hurt Gulf again.

He had decided he was going to look into him, it would be the only thing that would ease his mind.
They heard a loud thud and looked over to see a box had fallen from the top of the cabinet spilling onto the floor. Tul rushed over immediately to help Gulf "Sorry I spaced out for a moment trying to reach the top films and lost my balance" he said coolly. As they moved around to pick up what was left, Gulf suddenly got a whiff of coffee coming from Tul. He felt himself tense and he looked over at him as he picked up the things with a small smile on his face.

Tul felt like he was being watched, it was getting really annoying but when he looked up it was Kana who had his eyes on him this time. That made his heart thump harder. Man he wanted to kiss him so bad, his eyes dropped to Kana's lips and they automatically drew into a thin line making him look back up to his eyes. Tul felt taken aback, he saw suspicion in his Kana's eyes "Did I do something wrong?' he asked innocently trying to hide the fear he currently felt.

Gulf caught himself, he thought he had hidden his emotions behind his poker face but Tul had noticed something was wrong. "No sorry" he said shaking his head he began picking up the spilled items again. When they stood up he noticed the coffee stain on Tul's shirt. Tul followed his eyesight and blushed covering the stain.

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