Chapter 48

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Mew had helped Mild up after he had stepped out of the viewing room, he couldn't watch Gulf continue to break down.

He helped Mild to his office.

"I hurt him, I know I did" Mild sobbed, Mew handed him a bottle of water. "You did what you needed" he patted Mild on his back "he cried when you left"

Mild looked up "He did?" Mew nodded and Mild began to cry harder.

"Mild we need to move quickly. Gulf has to stay here for the next 24hrs. We have to find a clue as to who really did this" Mild nodded

"But I'm not allowed to work on the case" He mumbled. Mew knew this, it didn't matter to him "Not officially but you and Saint can both help, go take a look at his body, tell me anything that might help us" Mild nodded and got up.

He walked to the door and stopped short, he turned back to see Mew head hung low "Thank you for helping him Suppasit." Mew looked up "Also you should know, he does feel something for you" Mew widened his eyes "he's just scared to admit it" with that Mild left the room.

Mew couldn't help the way his heart started to thump harder in his chest at the confirmation that Gulf felt something. He got up and walked to his desk grabbing the report the other detectives had made. He wouldn't allow anyone to hurt him anymore.


"Fuck!fuck!fuck!" He punched the wall causing his knuckles to bleed. As soon as he had made it to his shift today he had heard the gossips. Those useless pieces of trash talking about Gulf, about how he was a killer, how they all knew it. "Fuck!" He yelled again. Bullshit, it was all bullshit Gulf hadn't killed anyone, he had! Now people were accusing him for no reason. He should've thought about it, he shouldn't have let his anger overtake him and kill the son of a bitch so soon. He needed to fix this, he needed to fix it in a way where he didn't get caught either.

He washed the blood off his hands in the sink. He fixed his shirt and walked out. He walked up to his boss.

"Sir?" The man looked up at him with a smile "What's up? Are you okay you look weird"

"Yes I'm sorry" he bowed " I just got a call, my mom is being taken to the hospital, I'm sorry can I leave?" The guy got up and put his hand on his shoulder. "Of course! Hope everything is okay, let me know later okay?" He nodded and bowed again.

He rushed out of there. He quickly went to the locker he had in a bus stop station a couple of blocks away. He changed into his dark clothing and cap. He took out the wallet he had kept from that piece of trash. He needed to find a way to get this off Gulf's back.

20 minutes later he was outside the apartment complex on the I.D, he looked around making sure no one saw him and his face was hidden behind the face mask and cap. He was sure the cops had been here before so he had to make sure he didn't disturb anything. He had killed the prick in the streets so his home was just being watched for a suspect.

He snuck in and quickly began to look for anything. He had found a picture of him and another man in the pricks wallet he just needed to know who this guy was. He looked around for any clues, finally he found a box hidden in the closet. He opened it up and found, pictures, yearbooks, presents, letters. He chuckled, pathetic. Everything seemed to be from the same person. He flipped through the book and found it. A photo stuck in between the pages of the smiling prick and the guy from the wallet picture. He flipped it.
"Tommy & Jimmy - 20XX "

He smiled , he began reading through the letters, most of them were the Tommy guy apologizing for messing up, again and again. The last one was him threatening him, that if he ever messed with his business or his relationship again he would kill him. Bingo! He made sure to leave the box in the closet but slightly opened. He knew someone was going to come for more clues.

He snuck out carefully. Thanks to the letter Jimmy had written and never sent he had an address for the guy. He headed over to the place.

The place was fancy, he smiled , guess this assholes drug deals were working fine. He looked around, he had put on a delivery vest over his jacket. He held the box up as he walked in and greeted the front desk, they let him through. He smiled , he made it up to the floor. He had given another room on the same floor. He delivered the packet and then walked to the exit stairs. There he took off the vest. He needed to know if anyone was home. He decided to wait it out.


Some hours had passed and he had begun to get more and more frustrated. Finally he saw the guy from the picture leave the apartment with a woman on his side. He waited a couple of minutes and then used the key he found inside the unsent letter. He put it in the key lock and smiled when it opened. The stupid prick had helped him a lot even though he was dead. He walked in and looked around. Fancy place.

He began looking everywhere making sure not to make anything obvious he was sure this prick kept something regarding this guy as well. After what seemed forever he finally found it. Inside a box marked "High School shit" he had tons of pictures of the two along with other stuff. How funny they both liked each other and now they would be the end of each other as well. He threw the wallet and keys to the flat in the box. Along with some drugs he had found while snooping around. He grabbed the necklace he had ripped off the guy and dropped it in the box as well he knew the imprint of it was on the neck cause he used it to suffocate him a few times before he actually killed him. This was enough evidence.

He smiled. Now it was just a matter of time.


"Why are we coming here again?" Zee asked, they were heading to the guys house to see if the other detectives had missed anything.

"Since the apartment wasn't the crime scene, the detectives only did a small review of the place. They said it didn't look like the guy ever made it back here so they didn't bother to check for anything " Mew switched lanes " I'm hoping we can find something that may leads us to whoever actually did this."

Zee nodded "Mild told me earlier there was marks on his neck that showed some sort of chain had been used on him. I wonder if it was his own or the killers"

Mew "hmm" in response, whoever killed him took all of his belongings, making it seem like a robbery, while Gulf was sitting at the station the detectives were rummaging through his stuff. Mew had wanted to do it himself but he figured it was more useful if he was looking for clues here instead of being at Gulf's where he wouldn't find anything.

They finally pulled up to the building. He looked at his watch 5:53pm. He needed to move quickly.
They stopped by the managers office and had him open the apartment.

"Has anyone been by?" Zee asked as they were led in.

"No" the older gentleman man answered "if you guys need anything else please look for me, I have to go back now" they bowed to each other and the man left.

The room looked clean, untouched, according to the report he had seen earlier, the cleaning lady came every Saturday afternoon . So if Jimmy had not returned the last person to enter this place was her. By the spotless look, it was right.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Zee asked glancing around.

"Anything, just look for anything that may help us" Mew said taking a step forward

"Needle in a haystack" Zee said sarcastically " got it!" And they began to search.

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