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All along they kept coaxing us to bloom.
"Bloom dear, its your time"
"Eyes can't wait to see your
Pretty petals adding colour to life"

Oh my, so we kept waiting for rain.
And a glimpse of sunshine.
To bloom, of course,
While we lay beneath dark ocean beds,
Buried somewhere in sands and reefs.

The blankets of pristine seawater
Gently caressing our hard shells
As we drift off to slumber.

The murmur of tides surging and dying, on and on,
A lullaby dulling the noise of the world,
Never letting it reach our ears.

And once in a while we sail upto the shore,
Only to be embraced back
In the lucid warm arms of our home.

Some days, even summers kept us chilled,
But we never shivered.
Only basked in that cool wet breeze.

"Keep your head up or
You will sink and drown"

Oh but we breathe blue and drink
The light that refracts across to us
Through layers, so our eyes can see
A shade lighter than black.

The world kept calling us seeds,
While we were born to
Guard treasures in our chest,
Smooth armour withstanding storms,
And hurricanes and anything alike

All along blooming
Pearls not petals

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