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          "I know we started off as something that isn't real, but as time grew, my feelings for you did too!" She yelled at him, clearly frustrated at how oblivious he was.

          "Oh don't do that Kenna! In the beginning, we both agreed that we would just stay friends!" He yelled back, annoyed at how she could just stand there and blatantly confess her feelings for him.

          She looked at him, dumbfounded, "With the amount of times we spent together, with the music I released, did you not notice that it all points to you!"

         He froze, looking at her in shock. "Y-you wrote those songs about me?" He said softly, looking at her eyes and seeing pain in them.

          "Harry, I've loved you from the minute that contract was signed, but I knew you loved someone else." She says, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

          Harry shook his head in disbelief, "Why didn't you say anything?"

          "Do you think I wanted to ruin our friendship? I started to think we were just better off as friends, you love Camille and I was starting to think-" Kenna exclaimed, letting her tears fall freely now, but Harry cut her off.

          "I don't know anymore!" He yelled, surprising both himself and Kenna with his outburst. Kenna looked at him with wide eyes, and he just stood there in shock.

          "But this," he started to say, approaching Kenna and placing his hands on her cheeks, "us, this can't happen. I love Camille, I do, but Kenna if you said something earlier, I would have been with you in a heartbeat."

          "So that's it then? Then tell me, look me straight in the eye and tell me you don't love me." Kenna had her hopes up, she knew Harry all too well, she knew how he felt for her too, but she also knew how he felt for the blonde model.

          "Kenna, I-" he says and tears fall out of his eye, he wipes them away and starts to speak again, but a voice interrupted them, making the two jump apart as if they weren't just touching moments ago.

          "What the hell is this?"


Welcome to Scandal.

There will be some mention of anxiety in this book, so trigger warning.

I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)

all my love,
sammie x

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