𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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McKenna Prentiss | May 23, 2017

    "You ready?" He asks, standing on my porch, hands in his hoodie pockets and a wide grin on his face.

    "As ready as I'll ever be." I respond, a small smile on my face as I exit the house and head to his car.

    "So, I was thinking we hit the Beachwood, then get some ice cream, then we could end the day at Malibu beach, how does that sound?" Harry asks as he turns to me, slotting the key into the ignition as he revs the car to life.

    "Perfect." I smile, my head starting to float above the clouds, inching to a dream state.

    Today was Harry and I's first public date. Management already has arranged for the paps to follow us wherever we go, which meant Harry had to tell Jeff his plan and for Jeff to tell Clive.

    Harry exits my driveway, handing me his AUX cord again, but then he recoils, before narrowing his eyes at me.

    "You won't play anymore of my old songs will you?" he asks, which makes me smile brighter at him. I shake my head with a smile, to which he shakes his head and mumbles an I thought so.

    I smirk, knowing I won't ever let him live his One Direction days down. I choose one of my favorite songs from their first album, which honestly just felt way too long ago.

    As soon as the beginning tune plays, Harry groans and throws his head back in defeat, turning to me for a second as he scowls and turns his gaze back on the road.

Give you this, give you that
Blow a kiss, take it back
If I look inside your brain
I would find lots of things
Clothes, Shoes, Diamond Rings
Stuff that's driving me insane

    "Why, why McKenna?" He asks, his scowl never leaving his face, but I could see that the corners of his mouth are starting to turn up.

    "Wanted to play you my favorite song from your very first album." I say, my smile growing wide as I see him laugh and sing along with the song. I smile at him, and sing along as well.

    I continued to play some One Direction songs, just to get a rise out of Harry, but he didn't mind, he even sang along to some songs. This is my 16 year old dream come true.

    When Stockholm Syndrome ended, we arrived at the Beachwood, and as per management's calls, paparazzi was already there. Burt's instructions began to ring in my ears:

"Hold hands, stand close to each other, and let your body language do the talking."

Gee Burt, why don't you tell the paparazzi to come on over to Harry's house and just let them take photos of us having sex.

    Seeing the paparazzi's wait outside the Beachwood was what killed my ascent into dream state, shot me right back down to reality. This is the sole reason we're out at the Beachwood. I felt my mood shift, from what was a happy, cheerful and smiley Kenna to one that was quiet and shy. I muster the best fake smile that I could as Harry reaches for my hand, and tingles shoot up my arm once he does.

    McKenna, seriously?

    We enter the cafe, and we were immediately seated by Mary, a soft smile on her face. I guess Harry told her to sit us near the window, cause that's where we were, and I'm definitely going to go blind with how much flashes I see. When Mary takes our orders, I see Harry pull out his phone. Suddenly, a flash was emitted from his phone, and he scrambles to hide what has happened, but I already saw it, and I was shocked, but now I'm laughing at his nervous self.

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